Toy Fair 2010 Armchair
Coverage RoundUp

Do you find yourself back at work on Monday morning worried that you might have missed an important Toy Fair announcement? Couldn't convince your significant other that Toy Fair was more important than Valentine's Day? It’sAllTrue.Net has you covered. We’re not at Toy Fair this year, but we’re providing our Armchair Coverage and keeping up on the latest news coming out of New York. We've got tons of news from the weekend and we'll be adding more until Toy Fair wraps up, so check back often!

Most Requested Figures: Marvel
Legends U.S. Agent + Poll

This suggestion comes to us from IAT reader, Adrian. So a quick thank you to him and an encouragement to anyone else with a character for this article! We will read them, and though we can't do everyone, we do appreciate hearing your ideas! If you have a suggestion for the Most Requested feature, drop us a line and let us know!

If you've been around the blog long enough, you might know I really like alternate superhero costumes. I don't know what it is, but there's just something about a superhero switching up his costume now and again that appeals to me.

Vault Review:
Kryptonite Chaos 2pk

I got a surprise last week while checking e-mail. BigBadToyStore informed me that they were fulfulling my pre-order. I didn’t remember pre-ordering anything from them recently, so you can probably understand my confusion. When I checked my account, lo and behold, I realized what had happened. Yup, a year ago I put my order in for the Luthor/Supergirl two-pack in the hopes that the accessory would be awesome (as promised by Matty) and that it would help ensure the Golden Age Hawks 2pk. Well, that Hawk 2pk is still not in the works and when Matty told ItsAllTrue.Net that the accessory would be four colors of kryptonite, I took note, but had forgotten entirely that I still had it pre-ordered.

MattyCollector.Com Updates: DCUC12, Moss Man, & Walter Peck

While I was busy being enraptured by the crazy speculation going on at the Org over the latest 2pk news, I left out some important updates from Matty via MattyCollector.Com regarding items on sale in March. And I may have to change out this Matty graphic. Since the forums have opened, all these updates are from MattyCollector.Com and not Facebook...

Mr. Rant to Toy Companies: “Do Better!”

I spend a disproportionate amount of my income on Mattel toys. As a result, many of my Rants are aimed at Mattel. I don’t like that. I want to spread it around, so to speak. Last night, Noisy gave me a revelation. I don’t have a lot to rant about on other companies because they’re not doing as good a job tempting me with their product as Mattel does. That, he said, is a rant unto itself...

I know that toy companies sure aren’t perfect, and I don’t expect them to be. But, what I do expect is for them to think and try. So here are a few pointers to help out those companies that are a little confused. If they’ll follow a few of these suggestions, they’re bound to get featured in my column more often than they do now.

Truetorial: DC Classics & Walmart –
A Match Made Without Variants

I'm ambivalent on the Mattel/Wal-Mart partnership. I really don't care if they keep getting exclusives or not. I live practically on top of Wal-Mart HQ and have dozens of stores within a reasonable driving distance, but that doesn't make it easy to find the exclusives. I didn't get DCUC5 first hand. I had to buy the Giant Man figures and Nemesis figures while traveling in other states. And I know that even though DCUC10 was easier to find for a lot of fans, the bad taste DCUC5 left in the mouths of most collectors is still fresh enough that even I cringed at the announcement that DCUC14 would also be exclusive to the retailer. But I'm not writing about whether there should or shouldn't be Wal-Mart waves today. That ship has sailed, so I'm moving on too. But I do have a problem with some of the figures that go into Wal-Mart waves.