Ghostbusters Classics:
Ray Stantz Review

The Ghostbusters line is on the tertiary of my collecting interest. It shouldn't be. I love the movies. I love the cartoon. I've always had Ghostbusters something around whether it's a t-shirt, a pin, or a Stay-Puft shaped notepad. But for some reason, I'm just not that excited piecemealing my GB's together month-to-month. Of all my SDCC exclusives, I was the most lukewarm to Egon (he's s a cool figure) and in that Twitter feed to the right you can see me tweeting back-and-forth with ActionFigurePics about how I just wasn't excited for the upcoming Ray before he got here. Ray is up for review today, but does he rekindle my interest in the line?

Zodak Review

I like new stories coming out of old ideas. When creators take an old continuity or a basic concept and find ways to reinterpret it, I'm usually first in line to see the result. When the announcement about a new Masters of the Universe cartoon came along eight years ago, I had to try it out. And while not everything in that redesign lived up to my expectations, I loved the new Zodak. When Matty announced that they would continue to "Classic-ize" some of the 200x designs beyond Grayskull, Zodak was at the top of my want list. Luckily, he was at the top of Mattel's list too.

ItsAllTrueReview: Atrocitus & Saint Walker

One of the difficult realities of the toy world is lead time. If a toy company sees a property that has potential, they can't really strike when the iron is hot. The production process is simply too complicated and drawn out between conception and retail. By the time the product reaches stores, that potential may be nothing more than a lump of hard coal. So toy companies do what they can to mitigate lead time, and DC Direct is one company that has a unique advantage - they are part of DC Comics and can release action figures during the comic events the toys are appearing in. This time, DC Direct has released the first wave of Blackest Night figures right in the middle of the crossover of the same name. These aren't just action figures, they're little plastic tie-ins.

Chemo & Imperiex

Fourth in our four-part series on DCUC10 and fifth in our five-part series on DCUC9, this review covers Chemo & Imperiex.

These two may end up being a couple of the harder C&C's to complete. Worse still, they're hitting stores at relatively the same time and competing for aisle space with a couple different "Best Of" case assortments. I don't think either of them will end up being quite as difficult (or expensive) as Metallo, but unless we see a change in the next few weeks, these two C&C's are going to be a hot commodity. But are they worth all the hubbub?

ItsAllTrueReview: Joker
& Forager (& Batman, kinda)

Third in our four part series on DCUC10, this review covers Joker, Forager, and Batman.

There's always a broad spectrum of feelings when reviewing a DC Classics wave. There are the figures you wanted and the figures you didn't know you wanted. There are the highlights and then there are the warped legs. And sometimes there are accessories. These figures are all of those (with a strange quality control issue thrown in).

Robotman & Beast Boy

Second in our four part series on DCUC10, this review covers Robotman and Beast Boy.

DCUC10's lineup was released (leaked?) over a period of a few months. We knew it would have Joker. We were pretty sure it would have Man-Bat. AFI let us know about Power Girl. We knew Forager was coming, but we weren't sure which wave. We guessed (correctly) that there would be a Batman. But for the last two? Well, once Mattel confirmed a 7 figure lineup, one guess was as good as any other.

Superman/Batman Public
Enemies Wave 1 (Target )

The Public Enemies wave wasn't something I was terribly excited about when it was first revealed. I wanted Brimstone as soon as I saw him, and still do, but I wasn't that interested in the stylized DC Classics figures that stood between me and the Engine of Destruction. Now that I've had them in hand for a day, my opinions have shifted a bit and I might be able to find some room on my shelves for a few of the figures, particularly if it's the only version they're ever going to receive.