It’sAllTrueReview: DC Classics Wonder Twins (SDCC Week!)

Seventh in our ten part series featuring the 2009 SDCC exclusives, this review covers the DC Classics Wonder Twins.

The Wonder Twins. The very name can strike fond memories or loathing in the heart of any DC fan. They're the product of the 1977 All-New Super Friends Hour, one of the many incarnations of the Super Friends cartoon. When I was a kid, Super Friends had moved on to become The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians and had gotten quite a bit better. That said, I have fond memories of the show that featured Firestorm and Cyborg as the teenage sidekicks. The Wonder Twins, despite being on what amounted to a completely different version seven years earlier, still get some love from me. At least enough that I was excited to buy this set when I first learned about it.

So the box set has arrived, albeit Gleek-less, and it's their turn under the ItsAllTrue spotlight...

DC Infinite Heroes
Anti-Monitor (SDCC Week!)

Sixth in our ten part series featuring the 2009 SDCC exclusives, this review covers the DC Infinite Heroes Anti-Monitor.

If I had to choose which Anti-Monitor figure I could have gotten from SDCC, I'd probably have gone with the bigger one. He's a smidge more appropriate for any size DC figure collection. I bought the little Anti-Monitor as more of an impulse item (if a $10 toy can be considered an impulse buy) instead of truly wanting it. In the same why that I find a shrimpy Fortress Maximus funny, I find a shrimpy Anti-Monitor funny. So even though he may not have been bought with the same fondness I had for Egon or the Wonder Twins, he gets a quick review nonetheless...

Marvel Universe Invaders 4pk &
Black/White Captain America (SDCC)

I might have a confession. I might, this is hard to admit, but I might prefer 3 3/4" scale to 6" scale. Don't get me wrong. I love my DCUCs, MOTUCs, GBCs, MLs, DCDs, FanExs, etc, etc. Most of my collection is 6" because that scale is usually executed better than its smaller counterpart. I appreciate that. I also prefer loads of articulation. But there are exceptions when a smaller line does well with sculpt and articulation. Mezco's Hellboy 3 3/4" line. 25th Joes. Marvel Universe. (Maybe some upcoming DCIH?). And when I get a well-done figure in this smaller scale? I'm ecstatic. It makes me wish I had other stuff in this size (my Hellboy really needs some 3 3/4" Ghostbusters, for example).

Mr. Rant’s says, “Stop releasing so much at once!”

Dear Matty, Congratulations on another great showing at San Diego. Again, you’ve seen fit to tempt us with the delicious candy of your SDCC reveals. Every year, we look forward to being teased by images from the con that will keep us watching our calendars and toy sightings forums for the next few months.

Particularly, I love the product that you and the Four Horsemen have planned for MOTU Classics and DC Classics. I’m down with just collecting those two toy lines, but I might not be able to afford to pick up both.

ItsAllTrueReview: 7th Kingdom Akkuli (SDCC Week Continues!)

When you can't attend SDCC, you usually spend the next couple weeks anxiously anticipating the exclusives from the show making their way to you. That's how I've spent the last few days. Starting with the middle of last week and continuing into this week, I've come home every day to find a new package on my doorstep. I don't normally pick up as many exclusives as I did this year, but SDCC seemed to offer a neverending supply of interesting things this time around. You've already seen my review for the Ghostbusters Video Games Minimates and He-Ro. Today, ItsAllTrue's SDCC Exclusive Week brings something a little different: Akkuli from the Four Horsemen's Seventh Kingdom toy line.