Vault Review: G.I. Joe Arctic Threat Doc & Shipwreck

I was at Toys R Us the other day when the Toy Gods smiled down upon me. Noisy found a TRU Exclusive Batman, but, as usual, they had nothing I had gone there for (still can’t find that Arcee). Since they were resetting I walked around hoping for a surprise. I found it in the G.I. Joe aisle. The neon colors of Arctic Threat Doc caught my eye. Arctic Threat Doc and Shipwreck had appeared to fill the empty Joe pegs, and with snow on the ground I had to buy them. When I got home, these brave Joes ventured outside to see to the environment they were destined for…

ItsAllTrueReview: DC Classics – Dr. Mid-Nite & Copperhead

So, I have to fess up. I wasn't terribly excited for DCUC12. There were a few reasons. Only a couple characters were shouting out to me. I wasn't excited as the prospect of a huge Darkseid. I didn't know how cool the Four Horsemen could make a Metal Man. Well, it's been nearly half a year since I expressed my doubts about DCUC12. I've had the figures for about a week now. Was I impressed? Did I change my mind? You'll have to read on to find out. First up is Doctor Mid-Nite & Copperhead.

Toy Run #3: Case of the DC Classics TRU Exclusive Batman (Review)

You know the drill. You get up and you think you could get lucky today. You get ready and put on some nice clothes so you can at least feel presentable if you happen to get checked out. You hop in the car and travel to whichever place you've deemed best to satisfy your desires. You arrive with giddy anticipation. It's now or never, you tell yourself as you round that last corner. What awaits? Will it be great joy or intense dissatisfaction?

Anything can happen on a Toy Run...