IAT on the Road: GI Joe Con ’09
Kansas City – Final Round Up!

JoeCon is over and the ItsAllTrueCrew couldn't have had a better time. From the parachute drop, to the various panels, to some of the coolest new Joes, and to meeting Larry Hama, it was really one thrill after another. We've got pictures from all the major events we attended as well as some pictures from the floor and the various booths. AdventureVault has given us his lowdown on Friday's Hasbro Panel - check it out and if you have any questions, post them and we'll do our best to answer with what we remember. Finally, we round out our JoeCon Coverage with two reviews: the SDCC Destro 2pk and the International Jump Jet 2pk.

ItsAllTrue.Net on the Road:
GI Joe Con 2009 – Hasbro Panel

We had a great time at Friday’s Joe Con, but probably the most exciting part was the Hasbro panel. Here’s my rundown of what was revealed and the details on some of the awesome figures we’ll be seeing into next year. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie yet, I won’t go into any spoilers, but we all know that there is going to be sequels and that Joe didn’t defeat Cobra for good. With that said, the 2010 line will be based off of where the movie ended, with the overall theme being “The Pursuit of Cobra”. Cobra has set up four bases around the world to develop a new weapon that will help them become a true military force. GI Joe has sent out specialized strike teams to take down Cobra’s secret bases and stop the development of the secret weapon. What is this secret weapon, you ask?

Checklists for DC, MOTU,
and Ghostbusters Classics!

This is sort of a grand opening for ItsAllTrue.Net. When we conceived what this site would be, one of the things we wanted were checklists/resources for some of the lines we were collecting. Truthfully, we just really like making lists and this way we get to share them. Right out of the gate, we're giving you these 4 handy resources: a MattyCollector Calendar, & Checklists for DC, MOTU, and Ghostbusters Classics! The calendar features a chart of the different toylines offered on the site with release dates. With this chart, you can look ahead to see what Matty is releasing when and know when you can save on shipping as well as when you need to save up! The three checklists feature a visual guide to the figures as well as release information and any other specific info that might be relevant. The Ghostbusters and MOTU Classics pages also feature a news section for the latest updates from Mattel.