Mr. Rant wants his DC Classics to look up and down…

Well, another “Ask Matty” has come and gone and an important issue to fans has gone unanswered again. The last few waves of DC Universe Classics have had a glaring and consistent problem: they can only look from side-to-side. Though all the parts are there for a working ball-joint, nearly every figure from waves eight through ten have lost the ability to look up or down. Earlier figures in the same toyline had a great range motion with this same joint. They weren't relegated to left and right. They had full up-and-down motion, some figures could even tilt their head sideways for some truly great poses. When asked if the ball joint was left out by design or by accident of quality control, Mattel’s response was this: “It’s handled on a figure by figure basis”.

Mr. Rant’s “5 Reasons You Should Buy R.E.B.E.L.S”

Ok readers, listen up. I was going over the sales figures for DC comics recently and noticed a grave injustice. The book R.E.B.E.L.S. is one of the worst selling DC titles. Now, you may ask, “Mr. Rant, why should I care about such a thing? That book doesn’t have a Superman or Batman or Hal Jordan, so who cares if it goes?”

Well, Johnny Comic-Book-Reader, I care. And if I care about something, so should you. Why else would you be reading this article? So, without further adieu, the top five reasons you should be buying R.E.B.E.L.S.

Vault Review: Super Samurai Green Ranger (Legends)

For the last sixteen years, there has been some version of the Power Rangers on the airwaves, and for the last sixteen years there has been a toy line to accompany it. When a toy line runs for that long, there are bound to be issues. Over the years, different characters were made while others were left out. There’s been a plethora of body types and different scales - making it hard to cobble together a single collection of all the different teams. Until, Bandai finally caught on. Under the title of “Super Legends” and coming on a distinctly retro-green colored card, these chase figures allow Power Ranger fans to start putting together teams of toys from our childhood.

Top Ten Least Wanted: Marvel Edition

In every property, there are characters we desperately want to see in action figure form. Characters that, if missing, will forever make our collections incomplete. But not all characters are so loved. Some you never want to see again. Some you wish you never saw in the first place. They will never grace the action figures aisles and its okay, because we never want them to. It's time for another edition of Top Ten Least Wanted! This week: Marvel Comics.

AdventureVault Review: Soul of Chogokin GX-48 – The Big O

Cast in the Name of God: Ye Awesome.
My name is AdventureVault. I perform a much needed job here at It’sAllTrue.Net.
(I give the noisy devil a day off now and again)

What do you get when you cross Batman the Animated Series with a giant Japanese mech? You get the greatest anime of all time, The Big-O. I love everything about that show. I love the complex and subtle characters, the multiple layers and undertones, the mellow noir feel, the city shattering (literally) giant robot fights, the emotionally compelling music, and I love the ambiguity. I could sit and talk about the nuances of this show for hours if my friends would tolerate it. I am obsessed, and with obsession comes a compulsion to collect any and everything Big O related. When I heard the news that Soul of Chogokin was making a figure of Big-O, I was already sold.

Mr. Rant’s “Bad Haul Day”

I feel defeated today. It’s been a busy week and this is the first time I’ve had a chance to sit down and open last week's Matty figures.

Now, I don’t expect perfection. That’s an impossible order. But I do expect equal pay out for the amount of money I spend. These Matty toys are supposedly a “collector’s” line. But I’m not even sure if Mattel knows what that means sometimes