Tri-Klops Review

You could say Tri-Klops is the first hassle-free MOTU figure since He-Man and Beast Man. He didn't sell out in a matter of minutes. He didn't invoke the red screen of doom. He doesn't have soaring secondary market prices. He was up, he sold, and he lasted for a few days. Spiffy, huh? We're not sure what the production level on Tri-Klops was, but we know it was the highest yet. I'm interested to see what next month, Webstor, and the subscription kicking off brings.

AdventureVault at
the Movies: Ponyo

We here at ItsAllTrue love toys, probably to an unhealthy extent sometimes, but that’s not all we love. So, in an attempt to stretch our discussions more in lieu of the spirit of this website’s name, I’m going to step in for an ailing Mr. Rant and do a movie review today.

Over the weekend, jealousy of NoisyDvL’s DCUC 5 pack drove me, literally, to head down to Arkansas to find my own. Although I was lucky enough to find two, neither of them were worth buying since both Luthors were scarred with marks on their heads, each in a different place, but still very visible. Empty handed, I wandered the local mall, searching for some other prize to make my trip worth it. Lo and behold, I discovered their theater was showing Ponyo.

Ghostbusters Classics (SDCC):
Slimed Egon Spengler Review

For awhile now, I've been buying DC "Super Powers" Classics, 25th Anniversary Joes, MOTU Classics, and others. It's like a second childhood. I loved the toys as a kid and I love them again now when they've been rebuilt for my "adult" sensibilities (and my "I have a job" wallet). But if you asked me what my favorite show/movie was as a kid, I would've answered Ghostbusters.

Most Requested Figures:
More 25th Joes!!

Sometimes as toy collectors, we can look across our displays and only see the toys that aren’t there. They are the missing figures. The characters toy companies never got around to, never thought were important enough, or worse – the figures companies felt the need to show us at comicon in the “We’re Never Gonna Make These” case. Saturdays are for these figures…

If you've been coming to the site recently, you know that the ItsAllTrue Crew had a great time at JoeCon. We had a ton of fun, particularly being there first-hand when Hasbro revealed Pursuit of Cobra for 2010. There's some great figures coming up. Even if you're turned off by the movie-based theme, there should have been one or two figures in there that weakened your resolve just a little bit. I know I saw a ton of stuff I want now: ROC Beachhead, the Jungle Viper, "kills you from a 1000 ft" Snowjob, Arctic Shipwreck, Firefly, City Strike Scarlett, Zartan, Arctic Destro... just to name a "few".

Truetorial: Collect & Connect
Darkseid is a Tall Order

This is ItsAllTrue.Net's first Truetorial feature. Truetorials will be op/ed columns that discuss a particular topic in-depth. This column was one of the first things we wanted to do here at ItsAllTrue, but the website has had other plans for us and we're happy to follow where it leads. But we've got some time now that the convention season is wrapping up and we thought it was time to give the Truetorial a spin. We're not ready to give it a regular day yet, but if we like it, you should be seeing them on a regular basis. Just think of them as a kinder, gentler companion piece to Tuesday's Mr. Rant.