Rise of Cobra Arctic Assault Snake
Eyes & Cobra Viper Commando

We had a great time at JoeCon. Nearly everyone we met was very nice, helpful, and loved G.I. Joe. The panels were exciting. The new product blew us away. In one word, it was awesome. There was only one bad side effect to the whole thing: since we've gotten back, we can't stop buying Joes. All of the ItsAllTrue Crew had been pretty good about not going crazy on ROC product so far. We knew it was solid, that there were some nice pieces in there, but we were holding out for some of the more 25th Anniversary figures.

Marvel Legends Nemesis
Wave (WalMart Exclusive)

When I first heard about the wave, it seems like forever ago now, I was excited. I couldn't wait to finally add a Nova, a Tigra, an Astonishing Cat-Beast, and a Nemesis/Holocaust to my condensed Marvel Legends collection. I admit, I had some reservations. I've never been completely happy with Hasbro's offerings for Marvel Legends. There were some gems: She-Hulk, Hercules, Shanna, Xorn. But for the most part, I've passed on a lot of HMLs. I had yet to complete any of the eight previous Hasbro BAFs for one reason or another. Figures I had really wanted weren't always up to par. These were all warning signs I guess, but like any good collector - I had hope.

Tri-Klops Review

You could say Tri-Klops is the first hassle-free MOTU figure since He-Man and Beast Man. He didn't sell out in a matter of minutes. He didn't invoke the red screen of doom. He doesn't have soaring secondary market prices. He was up, he sold, and he lasted for a few days. Spiffy, huh? We're not sure what the production level on Tri-Klops was, but we know it was the highest yet. I'm interested to see what next month, Webstor, and the subscription kicking off brings.

Ghostbusters Classics (SDCC):
Slimed Egon Spengler Review

For awhile now, I've been buying DC "Super Powers" Classics, 25th Anniversary Joes, MOTU Classics, and others. It's like a second childhood. I loved the toys as a kid and I love them again now when they've been rebuilt for my "adult" sensibilities (and my "I have a job" wallet). But if you asked me what my favorite show/movie was as a kid, I would've answered Ghostbusters.

DCClassiscs.Com Gotham
City 5pk (Wal-Mart Exclusive)

Every once in awhile, living in Uncle Wally's backyard pays off. I had precious little to do this afternoon, so I grabbed the car keys and headed off to see how the Wal-Mart resets were coming along at the various stores around me. I hit up my eight closest Wal-Marts (it's not really that far, if you have a town of 10k or so, you're awarded a 24 Supercenter around these parts) and was happy to find DC Classics pegs popping up at quite a few of them.

Most of the pegs were empty, and the ones that did have figures only had the "Best Of" case to clog the pegs before Wave 9 arrives, but I have a feeling Wave 9 (and Wave 10) aren't going to be an issue - at least in our neck of the woods. I'm a little concerned about the 5pk distribution though, because of the eight Wal-Marts I traveled to five had set pegs for DC Classics, but so far only one had shelfspace for the DCUC 5pk. I lucked out today though, because that one store had the 5pk too.

G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra
SDCC Destro 2pk

This Destro 2pk is sort of a double bonus for us. On the one hand, it's eighth in our ten part series featuring the 2009 SDCC exclusives. On the other, it's parts of JoeCon Weekend Coverage! You'll find links to both our prior SDCC Exclusive Week Coverage as well as our coverage of the 2009 GI Joe Convention at the end of this review. When I was deciding where I wanted to set the bar for which ROC figures to get (Oh, ROC Para-Viper, where are you?), it turned out that the unmasked Destro was above it. I just like the look of the suited figure. Plus, it's Christopher Eccleston. Plus, we've got that running Couture gag going. In all, it seemed like I should pick up a set and since they were openly available on HTS, I went for it. For $25, it's a bit much for a Joe 2pk, but there are a lot of neat extras that make up for the cost, starting with the box...

IAT on the Road: GI Joe Con 2009
International Jump Jet 2pk Review

When the ItsAllTrue crew decided to hit up JoeCon, we weren't thinking about exclusives. We knew about the Crimson Strike Team and we liked it, but they were out of our price range. We'd seen the promotion images for the other exclusives, but as we packed up and made the trek to Kansas City, we didn't really have time to appreciate them.

Then we got to convention hall, saw the convention exclusive case, and were hit by a very powerful wave of "I need that!". Collectors know it all too well. Some things, when they're in front of you, are able to reach out and get you in their grip. All of the exclusives were pretty snazzy in those cases, but none of them stood out to me like the International Jump Jet 2pk. I had to have it.