Most Requested Figures: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

On Tuesday, Warner Bros. released Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, their latest direct-to-DVD animated movie. I'm sure that most of you have noticed we happen to love DC Comics here at IAT and this was a must-buy for all of us. So we trekked out into the cold, bought our multiple copies, and then all headed for Noisy’s house so we could watch it together. I know what you're thinking, but that’s how we roll.

Spoilers: In this article, we're discussing a recent DVD release. Now, we won't spoil the ending, but we might drop a few plot details and we'll definitely be talking about characters that appeared in the film. Proceed of your own accord...

Most Requested Figures: Metroid’s Samus

Today, I’m taking the reins of the Most Requested article to talk about a character I’ve wanted to see made into a decent toy for a long time. It starts with the Nintendo Entertainment System. It's still one of the coolest Christmas presents I ever received and the three games I got with it will always be some of the best games ever made. Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, and Metroid. I was only eight at the time. And while I eventually learned to beat Mario and its many fake-princessed castles, you can probably imagine how annoyed I was with the other two games (especially Castlevania, that game was just evil). It wasn’t until I grew a little older that I was able to best the games, but even with all that frustration, those games gave me some of my fondest gaming memories.

Most Requested Figures: Marvel
Legends U.S. Agent + Poll

This suggestion comes to us from IAT reader, Adrian. So a quick thank you to him and an encouragement to anyone else with a character for this article! We will read them, and though we can't do everyone, we do appreciate hearing your ideas! If you have a suggestion for the Most Requested feature, drop us a line and let us know!

If you've been around the blog long enough, you might know I really like alternate superhero costumes. I don't know what it is, but there's just something about a superhero switching up his costume now and again that appeals to me.

Most Requested Figures: Power Ranger’s Rita Repulsa

This suggestion comes to us from IAT reader, AllMindsAboutEverything. So a quick thank you to him and an encouragement to anyone else with a character for this article! We will read them, and though we can't do everyone, we do appreciate hearing your ideas! A link for submissions will follow at the end of the article and we'll try to remember to include that every time going forward.

Now, I have to admit upfront that I'm not a big Power Rangers fan. I'm not down on them. I could say that I'm too old - I was thirteen when it started and the ship sailed without me. But being old isn't a defense since some of the older IAT writers, Rant & Vault specifically, are older than me and they both love it. Enough that I've sat through many plot recaps and discussions about a show I didn't want to watch! Still, they loved it, they're my friends, so I have respect for it even though it's not something I care about.

Most Requested Figures: DC Direct’s Watchmen (Comic-Based)

Sometimes as toy collectors, we can look across our displays and, no matter how many toys we have, only see the ones that aren’t there. They are the missing figures. The characters toy companies never got around to, never thought were important enough, or worse – the figures companies felt the need to show us at comic-con in the “We’re Never Gonna Make These” case…

Most Requested Figures: Stargate’s General Hammond

Sometimes as toy collectors, we can look across our displays and, no matter how many toys we have, only see the ones that aren’t there. They are the missing figures. The characters toy companies never got around to, never thought were important enough, or worse – the figures companies felt the need to show us at comic-con in the “We’re Never Gonna Make These” case…

Most Requested Figures: DC’s Crimson Avenger

Before we dive into 2010's Requests, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who voted in our 2009 Poll. The response was so enormous that we wanted to do things right this year and streamline the process. The truth is we didn't conceive the year-end poll when we started. Had we known, we'd have made some different choices. For the 2010 Most Requested Figure we're going to continue with the weekly nominations and have three runoffs (in April, August, and early December) to nominate five choices from each three-four month period. Towards the end of December, we'll start the semi-final rounds and then crown our 2010 winner on January 3rd, 2011. We hope to have all of you along with us the whole way and encourage you to submit your ideas for Most Requested Figure to us via e-mail. We may not be able to get to all submissions, but each one will get due consideration from the IAT staff. Now, with that out of the way, let's take a look at our first request of 2010...