Vault Review: Super Samurai Green Ranger (Legends)

For the last sixteen years, there has been some version of the Power Rangers on the airwaves, and for the last sixteen years there has been a toy line to accompany it. When a toy line runs for that long, there are bound to be issues. Over the years, different characters were made while others were left out. There’s been a plethora of body types and different scales - making it hard to cobble together a single collection of all the different teams. Until, Bandai finally caught on. Under the title of “Super Legends” and coming on a distinctly retro-green colored card, these chase figures allow Power Ranger fans to start putting together teams of toys from our childhood.

Top Ten Least Wanted: Marvel Edition

In every property, there are characters we desperately want to see in action figure form. Characters that, if missing, will forever make our collections incomplete. But not all characters are so loved. Some you never want to see again. Some you wish you never saw in the first place. They will never grace the action figures aisles and its okay, because we never want them to. It's time for another edition of Top Ten Least Wanted! This week: Marvel Comics.

Most Requested Figures: MOTU Classics ‘That Guy in the Wind Raider’

Sometimes as toy collectors, we can look across our displays and, no matter how many toys we have, only see the ones that aren't there. They are the missing figures. The characters toy companies never got around to, never thought were important enough, or worse - the figures companies felt the need to show us at comicon in the "We're Never Gonna Make These" case...

Unless you've been living under a rock the last year, you know that MOTU Classics is the hottest toy line that's not in stores. Personally, I love the line. The sculpts are amazing. The customer service is an adventure. And chances are, if one of your favorite characters was more humanoid than monster, you've already got them or know that they've got to be on the way.

AdventureVault Review: Soul of Chogokin GX-48 – The Big O

Cast in the Name of God: Ye Awesome.
My name is AdventureVault. I perform a much needed job here at It’sAllTrue.Net.
(I give the noisy devil a day off now and again)

What do you get when you cross Batman the Animated Series with a giant Japanese mech? You get the greatest anime of all time, The Big-O. I love everything about that show. I love the complex and subtle characters, the multiple layers and undertones, the mellow noir feel, the city shattering (literally) giant robot fights, the emotionally compelling music, and I love the ambiguity. I could sit and talk about the nuances of this show for hours if my friends would tolerate it. I am obsessed, and with obsession comes a compulsion to collect any and everything Big O related. When I heard the news that Soul of Chogokin was making a figure of Big-O, I was already sold.