Most Requested Figures: DC Fan Poll Results

Twice now, Mattel and ToyFare have teamed up for DCUC fan polls. I’ve made no secret that I’m not a fan of, uh… fan polls. I don’t have an inherent problem with them. It’s just that the characters are rarely selected with care. Often enough, the winner can be guessed before polling even begins. I don’t have any ill will towards the two characters that won their spots in DCUC; I wanted them too. But I also wanted to see Mattel do a fan poll where a savvy reader wouldn’t instantly know the outcome. I wanted some suspense!

Vault Review: BrickArms
WW2 German Heer Soldier

One of the things I love about toys is the creativity you can put behind them. We all collect our favorite lines, but some of my fondest childhood memories are the characters I made up. Who needs preset backstories? I’ll make my own, thank you. This is why I’m such a huge Lego fan. It’s also why I’m a big supporter of independent toy companies. So when a company is able to bring together these two loves of mine, I feel it’s necessary to showcase them here at IAT. Here’s my review of BrickArms WW2 German Heer Soldier.

Vault Review: Force Unleashed Shaak Ti

On a normal trip to Toys R Us, I usually cruise all the action figure isles. I like to know what’s out, even for the lines I don’t collect. It helps me keep up on the toy world for boys. The negative side of this is that I sometimes end up buying things that I wouldn’t normally pick up. Transformers, Star Wars, and much more obscure lines tend to make it onto my shelves for the simple fact that they looked cool or interesting while I was perusing the store. This is how I ended up with my latest purchase: Shaak Ti.

DCClassics.Com: Wave 4
(Despero) Retro Review

Continuing our efforts to complete our DC Classics Review Archive, we're making the Retro Review our regular Wednesday feature. This week we're taking a look at DC Classics Wave Four, the Despero Wave.

This wave was released in late 2008. And, at the time, was one of the harder waves for us to complete. With four of the five figures having variants, building Despero was easy enough, but it wasn't always easy to track down both versions of each character.