Top Ten Least Wanted: Marvel Halloween Edition

In every property, there are characters we desperately want to see in action figure form. Characters that, if missing, will forever make our collections incomplete. But not all characters are so loved. Some you never want to see again. Some you wish you never saw in the first place. They will never grace the action figures aisles and its okay, because we never want them to. It's time for another edition of Top Ten Least Wanted! This week: Marvel's Horror Characters.

Opening the Adventure Vault: Seth Wolfshorndl’s Evil Ain’t Easy

One of the benefits of having a website is the opportunity to plug certain people and projects that you want your readers to see. That’s what we're doing today.

A friend of ours, and fellow ItsAllTrue.Net lurker, Seth Wolfshorndl, is in this month’s Zuda Comics competition. Zuda is the online imprint of DC Comics. Every month they feature a competition between ten original comics, each one hoping to come out on top. Not only is this an extremely cool way for undiscovered and independent comic creators to get some attention, but DC takes it a step farther. The winner of each month’s competition is given a paying contract with DC Comics, and their comic is published regularly on the Zuda site. For anyone lucky enough to break into the top ten, it’s a big opportunity. But it doesn’t stop there, you still have to win.

Mr. Rant asks, “why are there so many movie toys?”

The G.I. Joe section at my Wal-Mart sure seems crowded lately. All I want to do is go to my local Wal-mart/TRU/Target and pick up the newest GI Joe figures, but I can’t. I’m sure my readers know why. There’s no room for anything new. All the first run movie toys are still fermenting away on the pegs like house guests that didn’t get the hint that it’s time to go.

Most Requested Figures:
Bruce Wayne

Editor's Note:After IAT disrespected Batman by not granting him a review, Wayne Enterprises completed a hostile takeover of It'sAllTrue.Net (We're not sure why either!). This caused some articles, including this one, to be coerced out of our staff. A few days later, a federal judge threw out the acquisition based on Bruce Wayne's inability to appear and the site reverted to its proper owners.

Top 10 Batman Villains that don’t need an action figure

In my time as Gotham City's top citizen, I've had plenty of experience reading about Batman's battles with the more superstitious and cowardly among us. It appears that this blog spends it's Friday's talking about the Most Requested Figures, but what about least requested? I've asked my childhood friend that I've never mentioned previously, Ebonhorn, to come and showcase ten Batman villains that no one is asking for...