MOTU Classics Moss Man

Who could have guessed that Moss Man would end up as one of the most controversial MOTUC figures? He debuted at SDCC with flocking that Mattel couldn't mass replicate. When they changed it, they covered his ears and all hell broke loose. That resulted in two variants for the sale day. Mattel cleared a path of bandwidth and warned us to get in and order as quickly as possible. Moss Man went on-sale at 10:57 local IAT time and both versions were gone in a little over five minutes. Somehow, amidst all the hubbub, I got exactly the Moss Man I wanted.

Night Fury & Hiccup

I'm back!! My movie review yesterday was just a prelude, boys and girls, for I have not covered the travesty that is the Wal-Mart Exclusive How To Train Your Dragon line. If you want Toothless underoos, you can buy 'em. A hooded towel? No problem. T-shirts? Backpacks? Viking Helmets? Easter themed Dragon gummies and eggs? All available. But if you want action figures of the girl characters or even just a Toothless figure that is more cute dragon than vicious man-eater, well, that's going to be a problem.

ItsAllTrueReview: Public Enemies Wave 2 (Brimstone)

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. Remember that movie? It came out in September 2009. Six months ago. And roughly six months ago, we reviewed Wave One of the figures from the movie. Mattel wasn't exactly clear about the figures being split into two waves until around the time they hit and that left many fans unsure of when they would be able to complete Brimstone. For me, that was a few weeks ago. Our Target, after five months of sitting on an Icicle and a Banshee, received a case of wave two. I was lucky enough to snag the one Black Lightning and the one Major Force.

Vault Review: Professor Layton

“A hidden treasure. A murder. And a village full of secrets. Pit your wits against the puzzles of St. Mystere. Can you crack the case?” These are the words that the trailer for Professor Layton and the Curious Village tempted me with. A puzzle solving murder mystery, with a unique animation style and a playful yet elusive soundtrack. I was sold instantly. If you're not familiar with Professor Layton, I encourage you to check his DS Game's homepage.

Three years later, Japan is about to enjoy their fifth installment of the Layton franchise, with an animated movie soon to follow. So far the United States just got the second game, Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, last year. I am jealous to say the least. Lucky for me though, I can satiate some of my Layton cravings with the brand new Professor Layton figure from Japan’s highly popular Revoltech line.

ItsAllTrueReview: DC
Classics vs. MOTU Classics 2pks

Joe vs. Cobra. Optimus Prime vs. Megatron. Ninja Turtles vs. The Foot. Marvel vs. Capcom. All great battles that fans have long taken sides on. Thanks to Mattel, we can add a new one to the mix: DC Universe Classics vs. Masters of the Universe Classics. Hey, it's less clunky than Crisis of the Infinite Masters of the Universe…

Mattel's first foray into bringing MOTUC to retail came with an unexpected twist, DC figures. ToyFare #152 first revealed the existence of these two-packs, Superman vs. He-Man & Lex Luthor vs. Skeletor, back in early February. Now, just weeks later, they've hit and fans are gobbling them up.