ItsAllTrue Review: Iron Man 2
– War Machine & Mark V Armor

I mentioned in my Comic Series I review that I wasn't planning to pick up that many of the movie or concept figures. I'm still not looking to be a completist with this line, but there were some non-comic figures that I did want, specifically the War Machine and the Mark V armor. I almost skipped them because I have or will buy their 6" versions, but I'm a sucker for things I like (War Machine) and things that look cool (Mark V armor). That and my slowly growing 1:18 collection is a ton of fun.

Vault Review: Force Unleashed Shaak Ti

On a normal trip to Toys R Us, I usually cruise all the action figure isles. I like to know what’s out, even for the lines I don’t collect. It helps me keep up on the toy world for boys. The negative side of this is that I sometimes end up buying things that I wouldn’t normally pick up. Transformers, Star Wars, and much more obscure lines tend to make it onto my shelves for the simple fact that they looked cool or interesting while I was perusing the store. This is how I ended up with my latest purchase: Shaak Ti.

Most Requested
Figures: Micronauts

With our Round One semi-finalists chosen, it's time to kick off Round Two! This round will introduce twelve nominees that will then face your votes this August. We again want to thank everyone who has submitted nominees for this feature and voted in the polls. This column wouldn't be possible without all of you and we appreciate your participation!

For our first Round Two nominee, we took a long, hard look at our new Nomination Thread and selected the first suggestion, Micronauts! There was just one problem though; I've never had a Micronaut. I've never even played with a Micronaut. So, to do this right, I needed to go back to school. I turned to an expert on all things Micronaut, HeyGoFigure's Tekwych!

DCClassics.Com: Wave 4
(Despero) Retro Review

Continuing our efforts to complete our DC Classics Review Archive, we're making the Retro Review our regular Wednesday feature. This week we're taking a look at DC Classics Wave Four, the Despero Wave.

This wave was released in late 2008. And, at the time, was one of the harder waves for us to complete. With four of the five figures having variants, building Despero was easy enough, but it wasn't always easy to track down both versions of each character.