And the Most Requested Round One Semi-Finalists are…

Last year, we featured eighteen Most Requested articles asking for figures from all over the toy kingdom. The requests ranged from cancelled lines to current lines, from 2" Minimates to 8" Hellboy figures, and we even threw in a juice drink for good measure. At the end of the year, we started our first annual tradition, a runoff between those requests to see which one was really the Most Requested Figure of 2009. Our readers chose Mera (DC Comics) for that honor. This year (with a little help from Geoff Johns) Mera is getting her first action figure from DC Direct.

This year, we've broken the voting into three semi-final rounds and over the last seven days votes have been pouring to choose which four of our first twelve requests will go on to the Final Round this December. With over 1500 votes cast and counted, it's time for the results.

Most Requested Semi-Finals, Round One

Last year, our readers voted DC Comic's Mera as the Most Requested figure of 2009. This week, DC Direct announced a Red Lantern Mera figure in their Blackest Night line. Coincidence? We don't think so! And while we're still waiting for a proper Mera to find her way into DC Classics to cross her off our list, we'll be looking forward to picking up DC Direct's Red Lantern Mera this winter. Around the time she's expected to arrive in stores, we'll be voting on the 2010 Most Requested figure. But, we can't get there without some finalists. Today, we're asking you to pick the first three.

Most Requested Figures: Expanding Movie Masters

I don't have a lot of Movie Masters figures. I have Ghostbusters. I view them as Movie Masters. I have a "Ghoul" Batman and a Harvey Dent. I'd probably have more, but I'm not a fan of the slightly smaller scale they're in. That aside, there are more than a few characters that I would buy if they were Movie Masters. But I'm not sure what Mattel really wants to do with the line. I don't know if Mattel is sure. The Dark Knight rollout was... disastrous. I know that movie toys exist in a weird, separate reality from their licensed brethren, but very little seemed to go right from day one. It's a shame because I sit back and I can see the potential of a line of DC TV/Film figures...

Most Requested Figures: Solomon Kane

April 16th is quickly approaching and with only two slots left in our first round of Most Requested Candidates, I wanted to take the next to last week for myself and nominate a character that I've been waiting on an action figure for as long as I can remember. This is a character that I feel has been much neglected in the action figure area, not to mention merchandising in general. Before Kull conquered and Conan barbarized, Robert E. Howard created the devout, wicked punisher, Solomon Kane.

Most Requested Figures: Panthor (Head Sculpt Poll)

...and we're back! Did you miss us? We missed you. We experienced some technical difficulties on Wednesday night that crashed the site and caused some other behind-the-scenes problems, but we're all better now (we hope!).

We get a lot of MOTU requests in our inbox that go unused. It's not that we don't appreciate them, it's always nice to see requests for some of our favorite MOTU characters, but Mattel makes it seem like the list is made and no amount of requests will change anything. It won't move up Roboto or help Extendar's chances. Still, the requests come in and we decided to toss at least one MOTU character into our 1st quarter poll (voting begins 4/16!). We looked at the e-mails and chose Panthor because we don't agree on how he should be done.

Most Requested Figures: Jimmy Fallon!

We get a lot of the same names in our suggestion box every week (Deadpool? Really?) and we get a lot of requests that we've long wanted ourselves (Zauriel, we won't forget you), but every once in awhile, a reader sends in a request that we hadn't considered. One reader, identifying himself only as Munch, sent in a suggestion for a figure that caught us all by surprise this week.

Munch wants to see some action figures made of his favorite shows on television. Normally, that wouldn’t be a surprising request. Lost. Heroes. 24. Those all have toys, right?. Ah, but Munch is a self-professed late night talk show addict. Yep. He wants figures of his favorite late night hosts. He didn’t weigh in on Jay vs. Conan, but spoke highly of one in particular, Jimmy Fallon.

Most Requested
Figures: Dino Riders!

I’ve got the lead on this column again this week, so I decided to go big. One mere figure isn’t enough to satiate my toy needs today. No, instead I want the return of an entire line.

When I was a kid, I loved dinosaurs. I think that’s pretty normal. Dinosaurs were giant, ferocious, mysterious beasts. With thunderous roars, they stalked and stomped their ancient land, battling each other with armored and spiked hides. And I imagined myself right there along ide them. Maybe riding them, fighting Rulons, with a giant missile launcher or two. Well, that was when I was a kid, and things were much simpler. Now, of course, as an adult it might sound silly to think of humans riding dinosaurs decked out in tech and fighting against aliens and mutants, but I don't care. Nothing I've learned can take away from the awesomeness that was Dino Riders.