Vault Review: Captain America
Captain Britain (New Excalibur)

So let’s take a break from the Mattycollector hullabaloo with another Captain America: The First Avenger review!  It’s day three of our Flags & Spandex week and we’re going to make a jump over to the comic book side line with a look at Captain Britain in his New Excalibur duds.  This line’s for all patriotic heroes, even those from other countries.

Vault Review: Captain America:
The First Avenger U.S. Agent

In celebration of the Captain America movie opening up this Friday, we’re dedicating this week to the Captian America: The First Avenger toy line.  Monday through Thursday we’ll have a new review on some of the more interesting figures in this series.  The first figure I’ll be looking at this week is the U.S. Agent.

Tamashii Festival
Summer 2011 Galleries

It’s convention season and ItsAllTrue is kicking off our convention coverage with a look at Tamashii Feature’s Summer 2011 show.  This year Bandai’s showing off plenty of Gundam, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai (Power Rangers), Godzilla and more to whet your toy collecting appetites.