ItsAllTrue Review:
DC Direct’s Nekron

The paintwork is pretty good for the overall figure, the most important being the light grey that brings out the decayed flesh. The silver paint accents the belts and shackles while the gloss black gives him just a little bit of shine to keep up with all those metallic lanterns. The only paint I’m not happy with is the reddish brown applied loosely. Is it rust on the metal parts? Is it dried blood on the robes? It looks good on the chains, so I’m going to go with rust though it doesn’t really create that effect on the metal elements of his costume. With it being on his robes though it looks more like he spilled a chocolate shake all over this clothes though.

In addition to his Black Lantern base, Nekron included his aforementioned scythe. It’s huge, but it’s also got a lot of nice detail including some great wood grain. It’s a cool piece.

My only lament here is that I’d like for DC Direct to break away from the comics a bit and create a black lantern accessory. I would love to get the DC Direct lanterns in every color of the spectrum and as of next year’s Deadman, we’re going to be short a black one and an indigo one. I don’t believe a handheld black one ever appeared in the story – other than the one atop Nekron’s staff, but I still want one. And I’d like a non-comic accurate Indigo one as well to complete the set or, at the very least, a do-over on the Indigo staff since the one that came with Indigo is completely wrong.

When you switch from buying DC Classics to DC Direct, you’re generally expecting to sacrifice articulation for sculpt. In this case, Nekron is sporting more articulation than I’m used to for a DC Direct figure. Nekron’s legs are particularly odd, with lots of articulation that doesn’t do much: swivels at the hip, thigh, and calf with a hinged knee. Without a ball hip or a hinge ankle, they’re not that impressive. I appreciate the effort, but it fell a little short. The arms feature swivel wrists, hinged elbows, and ball shoulders, but the lack of a bicep swivel limits the posing opportunities. Finally, Nekron does have a good ball-joint for his head that gives him good range and some good undead poses.

No matter what ends up happening with Mattel and Nekron, I feel like I’ve already got a good figure to stand with my DCUCs. I’m happy with his height – slightly bigger than the average DCUC and the sculpting is fantastic. I still would like an extra articulation point here and there (in this case, the bicep swivel is really the only thing I’m lamenting), but he’s a DC Direct figure so I’m not complaining. He’s a great figure for any Green Lantern collection and if Nekron doesn’t get a free pass in the DCUC ToyFare Poll, this might be the only figure of him we’ll be seeing for awhile.

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15 thoughts on “ItsAllTrue Review:
DC Direct’s Nekron

  1. You got some great shots of him!

    I saw the Hawkman and the Deadman at the shop on Wednesday, but Nekron and the Batman were already gone. πŸ™

  2. Damn he looks creepy!

    I would’ve like a few more jokes at Nekron’s expense, but you did take some fantastic shots of him. Did you not want to mar them with captions?

    1. He’s surpisingly not that funny. I don’t always go into the “shoot” with a plan, I just let stuff come to me, but I didn’t really get much for this one. I have a second shot of him with the group that may get an AA some day.

  3. This is one instance where I wish I had easy access to American action figures.

    Although I had never heard of Nekron (and I wasn’t in a coma for the last three years!), I like the sculpt as well as the overall appearance. In order to increase his desireability, I would have liked to see the entire “shackles & chains” assembly made out of metal, a la S.I.C. Also an added 1/2″ height would get him to fit in perfectly with most of my collection (primarily 1:10 scale).

  4. Great figure and review. I thought he was suppost to be taller than Atrocitus? If he doesn’t win in the next poll we probably won’t see him again for a good while.

    I wonder who the mangy mutt is. πŸ™‚

    1. I don’t think I saw him next to Atrocitus. I was mostly going off Hal, Sinestro, & Spectre. I’ll have to look.

      And I’m not telling. πŸ˜‰

  5. LMAO @ your comic! That was great. I don’t mind mixing if it will complement the display. I would definitely add this Nekron to my GL display, the only figure I’ve picked up so far is Alpha Lantern Boodikka. She’s significantly taller than DCUC figures, but I don’t mind because she’s a big chick anyway, and moreso with the alpha lantern upgrade.

    Check out this link for some group shots:

  6. I ordered Nekron and Hawkman from my LCS and got them Saturday (you might still see my review on the Buzz). My main complaints are I thought he would be taller and the silver accents almost fade into the rest. I guess I was hoping for a brighter silver? At least mine looks fairly nice, unlike Hawkman, who has a silver chin, and paint slop on his right armbands to make up for the lack of it on the left. (???)

    I don’t mind mixing and matching the 6″ scale, myself, esp on the “rare” figures either company hasn’t made, yet (Vandal, Circe, Oracle, Metallo, FA Kyle, modern Donna Troy and Dr. Mid-nite, etc). and yeah, I could go for a Black Lantern Power Battery as well as an Indigo one, too. (ponders buying extra GLC 5pk and repainting….looks at finances, opts for JLU Lanterns)

    ANYway….I used to have Nekron’s first appearance in the “Tales of the GL Corps” mini from ’81, and he was portrayed as being like 75-100 ft tall with a cowl like Deadman or FA Nightwing. Not sure why they switched it to a hood(?), never noticed it in the BN run. While I didn’t vote for him in the poll, I do hope we get a larger Nekron to represent for us Old Timers.

    Now get off my lawn and take yer mangy mutt wit’ya! [shakes cane]

    1. I did see your review! I can agree with the height, I think I noted somewhere that he works better with DCUCs than DCDs.

      I’ve seen the old Nekron and if I thought for a second that we’d be getting that one, I’d be all for a C&C. And no, I never saw the hood either.

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