The articulation is still a pain, particular the hips and shoulders, but the head has excellent range on the neck ball-joint as do the ball-joints on the wrists and ankles. There are double-hinges on the elbows and knees, swivels at the bicep and thighs and a nicely down ab joint in the mid-chest. The hips still suck, but this guy can pose if you’ve got time to spare.
The dull color pallet keeps paint to a minimum, but I had some good and bad experiences. The deco on the head is the best. The dark wash and piercing green eyes bring the figure to life. The gray and black pallet works great and stands in stark contrast to the red. The Hydra tampos on the jacket also add some cooler and look fantastic. A few little buckle and strap decos round out the good parts. As you can see in the pics, I did have some paint issues on the neck. My head was a little paint-fused to start with and freeing that up really tore up the paint. Not a dealbreaker since most poses will obscure the chips.
The other reason I bought ol’ Red is for the accessories. He has three: two pistols and the quintessential Cosmic Cube. It’s just a little blue cube, but I love it. It fits well in the left hand, not as snug as I’d like, but you can wedge it in between the fingers and the jacket cuff for some great poses. The two guns are nice too. I got a kick out of the all-red one. The other looks possibly comic-specific (Readers? Anyone know?), but as a result doesn’t fit in either of the two holsters. Two guns. Two holsters, but nada. Oops! I did try using only the leg holster and removing the shoulder harness to see if the coat would fit better, but no go. Finally, there is a Mandroid Arm in need of the torso. (If you thought I wanted an Avengers Black Widow before…)
While the figure still fits the paradigm of “new head sculpt & weird body, the overall figure is still pretty good. The head sculpt is amazing and it really plays off the muted mercenary-type body well. The colors are great. I love the tampos and the accessories. Posing him might not be as fun as I’d like, but this guy can just take a stately pose on my shelves and hand out with Kang I believe. He may not be a great figure, but I ended up liking him quite a bit after all was sad & done, I suppose. I might not even sell him.
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I don’t really mind the “overcoat body” they keep re-using, but I wouldn’t cry if the mold “got lost”, either. 😉
that Skull head does look good, however.
I’m actually curious if you remember how much you got for that first Skull on the DD movie body? That thing was Pure Gold back in the day. I never found one. The ML 2pk version bothered me a bit, but was an acceptable look for the time, and hewed close to his appearance in comics, at one point, I believe?
(pretty sure I had an extra I was going to repaint black?)
I’m gonna be SO annoyed if I make the effort to go to town tomorrow and find a leftover Cap, but if it’s WW2 Cap, I’ll take it over Cmdr Rogers/Cap2 look!
(double-checks Mapquest for O-town vs Warsh distances….)
that Zemo looks sweet, too, and sweeter if I had one. or that banner ad flashing with Reaper and Wasp MUs was actually for 6″ scale figures. ggrrrrr….
crap. just checked both Caps @ 20 (NOT Cmdr Rogers look), sold out on Zemo and …ASM Beetle?
target has Scarlet Spider and refresher stuff no one wants.
$15 at Target! scored a set today, plus Beetle! shweet! 😉
Fantastic! I wish ours would restock!
I’m not sure how fast Target restocks, but WM seems to be on a week schedule? that’s how fast the ML Jean cases turned over, up here.
no sign of either Cap2 or ASM2 at Warsh or Eureka WMs. check out guy at Eureka said he knew they had no “primary” associate assigned to toys even during holidays (area was a mess, as usual), just whoever wasn’t busy, and knew one guy there was a comic/toy fanatic.
Beetle is from Spidey’s line and I think the movie version of the Rogers look (stealth, I think it’s called) will be in wave two I thought.
yeah, sorry I wasn’t learer. only ASM2 left was Beetle and both Spideys.
and Megatherium confirmed the “Cmdr Rogers” suit with Widow ad WS/Bucky in Cap2b wave on other review.
and did I read somewhere that Beetle is female??
I think we saw the whole second wave at SDCC. I’m most excited about finally getting an Avengers Black Widow!
Fyi Target has jumped to $20 on ASM2 Marvel Legends. I got Beetle last week for $15, and paid $20 for Electro today. Cap2 remains at $15, FOR NOW.
Lady at CS desk didn’t even try to argue the price, insisting it must have been on sale last week. Checker priced return/no receipt at $15.
Talked to kid doing restocks, asking how soon they would get another case. Shipments are Tu-Th-Sat, and to call before I trek 30min for no reason. He still reads Marvel and confirmed this Beetle IS female and from Ultimate-verse. He was also annoyed that he missed out on several ASM2 figures, himself.
I don’t remember how much I got for it. I had a lot of rare MLs back then and they were easy to cash in on when I was in need of funds.
Perturbing indeed. Looks like three times is the charm here since I’ve been avoiding that Fury buck like the plague.
The Red Skull only seems to work in toy form if you go with a Jack Kirby or Mike Zeck design and/or do him in a smaller scale. Either give the dude his classic Silver Age green duds, (slap this head on a comic version Hydra Soldier) the fancy black Nazi uniform from the Zeck era, (which Hasbro whipped up for their SDCC Invaders set using Colonel Vogel’s body from the Last Crusade wave of their Indy Jones line) or the more recent Avengers Assemble version which uses the SDCC Toth body and trenchcoat. Any of those three should work better than the ones they’ve tried for their six inch ranges.
As for the name, I gotta agree. What is up with that? All the solicits for Cap-related movie stuff sound flat out ridiculous. Looking forward to hearing how that Born Better version of Zemo turned out, though. It looks sweet in that last pic.
It’s funny to me that they never do make a figure of him with his ascot and jumpsuit. Strange.
I did have that Invaders set. That was sweet, but MU enjoyment is always fleeting for me.
Totally agree on this figure. Didn’t have to buy it since I got the Mandroid part with the Hydra Soldier … but that headsculpt is just too damn good. It helps me look past that Fury body which I really don’t like. The cube is a nice touch too.
I kind of hope with Guardians of the Galaxy coming we get a complete set of cubes for the infinity guantlet. Gonna need a movie Collector 😛
The head sculpt sells the figure. No doubt about it. Though in some pics, he starts to look like Sheldon from BBT. I can’t explain it…
Thanks … now I can’t unsee Sheldon 🙁
Join the club, honey.
Hope can find somebody today. I like the Skull and see what you mean. A good military look would be nice but thanks to this PC world we can’t have him as a Nazi. Even just that classic Kirby or dare I say the biz suit Red Skull look. Still he looks to missing something with no Crossbones, Mother Night (think that was her name) and Zola around.
Still wish could find just one AIM and Hydra soldier to do a Wade, Bob and Bill pulling a Charlie’s Angels type pose (just need something for them to kill)
Oh stupid me.
The guns not being able to be holstered not a dealbreaker here. Can always figure something out.
I didn’t snag any movie figs before (Miles doesn’t count) but thought about Fury for an Ultimate shelf. Guess looking and how wish got the movie Spidey just for the weblines.
That Zemo does look nice too. Be looking forward to that review.
Cube to a gunfight joke *thumbsup*
I have Zola. I want a Crossbone, but $$.
I passed on the Hydra soldier at the time. I may rethink that when I find the restock.
weren’t they going to single-card some f those in the SDCC T-bolts set? I thought Luke and redeco ‘Bones were (semi-)confirmed? possibly with T-bolts wave of Rad-man and Songbird?
then again, we’re still waiting on Moonstar, Ion Fist, and Bulldozer confirmation, among others….
I thought so, but I have no idea what’s going on with ML beyond these figures anymore.
I’m likely, barring some sudden income redistribution trick, passing mr skull in favor of the hydra soldier… If I ever find him. My target is still in clearance mode to make space. Cuz you know, Christmas just came out of the blue this year *insert copious eye roll*
Christmas & money. Ugh! I shouldn’t have even bought these two!
And I find Marvel Now Cap and a clearanced Fantomex. (Gotta rework on building Zola now. Rebuy Bucky Cap, Drax, and Daken again to get the other limbs. Oray have a show this year and get Zola torso and correct head if can find Thunderball cause I saw Piledriver alot)
Drax I’m pretty sure is still on or price check Amazon, too, as he’s a peg-warmer right now. might not be when the movie hits?
(at least two (semi-)locally, in these parts.)
I snagged an extra Daken a few months ago from my WM refresher case (which may have triggered the Raccoon/Jean cases), but he’s in storage at moment, now 30m away, as we just moved to BFE. ugh. I was going to ebay him before my account got frozen. (“Final Value Fees” ugh.)
I ordered Bucky Cap from Amazon last year, not sure what he’s going for right now?
Sold my extra T-ball and completed Zola & Skull BAFs on ebay this summer, too, sorry.
That’s a pretty far trip into town! Ew!
yeah. new rule: don’t head home with less than 1/3 tank. ugh.
then again, she only paid $7500 for the place. yes, seven thousand five hundred.
Can’t beat that!
Good find. I’ve seen 4 NOW! Cap’s, but I can’t find a good paint job.
I largely resisted Marvel Legends after the Hasbro takeover. Poe Ghostal helped me get the TBolts set because I like the characters which caused me to dig out my old ones from storage.
Then Hasbro Toy Shop and Amazon AND one of my LCS all did a massive clearance sale on Legends and I said screw it and binged. I’m still short a couple variants (Piledriver, Viper) and an odd character (Rulkette, Ghost Rider) but I caught up on the majority of the 2012 stuff and on.
And I gotta be honest…just about everything from the Terrax wave on has been fantastic. There have been a few clunkers (Daken mainly–although I suspect I would have liked him better if I’d gotten the unmasked version). And I passed on Mystique cause she looks a little out of proportion.
I plan on getting everything in the both the new Infinite waves (at least three of both the army builders). I snagged Skull, Zemo and modern Cap yesterday at $22 (Ugh) at TRU. It hurts but I’m a toy slut.
I will say some of the aftermarket prices on the early Hasbro stuff is BRUTAL. I’d love to go back and pick up a few pieces but jeeeezum crow they run a pretty penny.
Daken – I saw probably 30 UNmasked and only two masked versions, from StL county down to Rolla that no one wanted. then it seems they disappeared overnight, and ML pegs were clogged with Terrax/Zola refreshers?
[scratches head]
I found unmasked just about everywhere too.
It’s easier to get into that Hasbro has cut their teeth. Much better figures. It’s kinda funny that those early ones have high eBay prices! I still want Hasbro to go back to the drawing board on Nova. Terrible figure.
I’m hoping Hasbro releases a Nova Prime in a theoretical Guardians of the Galaxy series that will hopefully come out later this year.
we should know next month at Toy Fair, but several people noted the AIM chest could be re-used for Quill/Starlord. I expect him to be announced next either way, movie or comic. so a GotG themed wave will likely follow the T-bolts wave. (BaF = Thanos????)
I think we’ll like see a GotG Infinite Series type deal. Hopefully some good comic figures though!
All I have seen is refresher waves here untill the movie lines hit. I got a She-Rulk and missed out on the rest. Never saw them again and the Rocket Raccoon wave. 🙁 Nope none. still has USAgent, Drax, Bucky Cap, and Daken in stock. 14.99
I always forget about HTS…
I wanted She-Rulk, but never saw that wave at all.