On Facebook, Matty is giving the lowdown on the 2010 subscription:
…on MattyCollector.com at 4:00 pm on Wednesday night. It will run for 3 weeks. The 2010 subscription will include the Jan. through Dec. 2010 figures. You will be charged each month and figures will ship each month. There will not be a “ship them all in Dec.” option anymore. (due to very limited interest in this option in 2009). The subscription will not include bonus figures, reissues, or large scale beasts (like Battle Cat) as these items do not have a set schedule and will range in price.
In addition, this year there is a $20.00 sign up fee. For this fee you will receive a few goodies including an exclusive carded figure which will ship by March of 2010. This figure will not be sold any other way and is only available if you sign up for the Eternia Fan Club. You may buy as many subscriptions as you want and each subscription will include the bonus figure and other goodies.
We will reveal more details at our panel (including the bonus figure) on Friday at 1:00 in room 2, but if you want to purchase a subscription live at our booth, we will have Mattycollector.com computers set up. (or you can log in from home at that time).
See you at the show!
Now we know the signup fee is $20 and includes one full figure (scheduled to ship right around the time NYCC 2010 should have been going on). This will seal the deal for many MOTU Fans. With it’s own unique figure, the subscription is a must buy for me.
I don’t mind paying for the bonus figure, but they neeed to add some extra incentives besides the bonus figure to get a little more value out of it.
So Mattel says “no bonus figure,” but then says “an exclusive figure.” What’s that about? I’ll have to wait and see if the exclusive, non-bonus figure will be worth the extra $20 plus $100 shipping throughout the course of the year. This is not the ideal subscription service, in my humble opinion. I opted for “ship it in December” last time around, and I think Mattel could and should have at least offered to ship the figures quarterly. For me, that would have cut the shipping cost by half.
the whole sub, shipping et all, should have been offered on a quarterly basis. and a “free figure” would have been a great incentive to sign up… “another figure” is really just that, another figure… whoopdy freakin do!!!! hey matty, i’ve gotta “bonus finger” you can preview now for just $199.99 that will ONLY be available to “Dayraven’s Most Hated” subscribers!!
You got it right, dayraven. I’m paying extra for a free/bonus figure?
And I saw that Toy Guru said our $20 would get a $25 value. Wow! Thanks!
I know I must be crazy to keep buying these.