Vault Review:
MOTU Classics Shadow Beast

We’re a little behind with our reviews, so I’m giving Noisy a hand with the last MOTUC figure from February. In the MOTUC Canon, we learn that Count Marzo created the Shadow Beasts as his own personal army the first time he tried to capture the throne. But he was still no match for Keldor and Randor’s Super-Brother-Powers and was summarily defeated and turned into a dwarf, while his army was banished to live in the shadows of Mount Barathrum.

MOTUClassics.Com Review:
Preternia Disguise He-Man

While I had a ton on fun with Bane Week, it caused some MOTU reviews to be delayed. Maybe we could do a MOTU theme week one day - I'm sure Mattel would love to sell 5 new MOTU Classics toys in one month, wouldn't they? Today, we'll look at one of the three MOTU items for February, Preternia Disguise He-Man.