MOTU News: Granamyr Delayed,
Apology Figs, & a 3rd Party CGM Kit

There was plenty of MOTU news this last week and not much of it made it to the front page here at IAT. Granamyr’s packaging and bio were revealed (along with the news that he’ll be delayed), the “apology gift” for Frosta was sorta revealed, and a new 3rd party add-on kit for Castle Grayskull Man is a must have.

Update! PowerCon ’12 Armchair
Coverage: Mattel MOTUC Panel

Powercon 2012 kicked off yesterday in Los Angeles and Mattel wasted no time; their Mattycollector panel was first thing Saturday morning. We'd been told there might not be much to see, but Toy Guru teased a huge announcement. Well, there weren’t many reveals, but huge just about covers it...