As a result of enjoying the new DC Universe Action League line, I’ve started picking up the few Batman: Brave and the Bold Action League two-packs I can still find in stores. This has become more challenging since the line was cancelled, but luckily I stumbled across a Batman vs. The Gentleman Ghost at my local TRU.
difficult to be surprised by toy aisle finds anymore. Back in the day, you could wander into the toy aisle never knowing what might be there. I miss those days, so, with that in mind, I bring you my latest aisle discovery: Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Total Armor: Kickpuncher The Joker. (Yes, that's his actual name.)
It seems like there were a lot toys at various conventions last Summer, that I'm just now seeing at stores. It happened again just the other day. After wading through endless Batmen & Zombie Hitmen, I was lucky enough to finally hit up my local Toys R Us the day they received the Brave & the Bold Starro, and some Gold guy.