Most Requested Figures: Solomon Kane

April 16th is quickly approaching and with only two slots left in our first round of Most Requested Candidates, I wanted to take the next to last week for myself and nominate a character that I've been waiting on an action figure for as long as I can remember. This is a character that I feel has been much neglected in the action figure area, not to mention merchandising in general. Before Kull conquered and Conan barbarized, Robert E. Howard created the devout, wicked punisher, Solomon Kane.

Night Fury & Hiccup

I'm back!! My movie review yesterday was just a prelude, boys and girls, for I have not covered the travesty that is the Wal-Mart Exclusive How To Train Your Dragon line. If you want Toothless underoos, you can buy 'em. A hooded towel? No problem. T-shirts? Backpacks? Viking Helmets? Easter themed Dragon gummies and eggs? All available. But if you want action figures of the girl characters or even just a Toothless figure that is more cute dragon than vicious man-eater, well, that's going to be a problem.