On the off-chance it's not obvious, we are experiencing some technical difficulties today. Tables & Galleries may come and go throughout the afternoon and evening as we work around it.
Some site formatting will be similarly affected (like this very handy blank column). It's lovely and functional!
Wish us luck...
Superman totally sells this comic. LOL
No love for the JLU robots.
Maybe Superman can join the real JLA once Batman finds Wally & Kyle! DOH!
Does that mean Batman has to cut off Aquaman’s hand?
If it comes down to it, I have no doubt that Batman will chop off anyone’s hand.
I liked the two parts. You should do more multi-panel strips.
We may try it. 🙂
i needed this… after the mattastrophe, i was in desperate need of a laugh.
Yeah, today sucked!
Funny good one Noisy
LOL! Fantastic!
Awesome comic! 🙂 When I was getting ready for work yesterday morning, I was wondering why Barry, Hal and Aquaman were in a congo line. I meant to ask, but this worked out just as well! 🙂
A congo line? LOL
Or a line dance… 😉
Thanks, guys! I was worried I might be a little out there on this one.
It’s got a batman joke, A wally/kyle joke, and supes being disappointed in bat’s lack of humanity. You know what that equals……….WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing with an iPad!!! So cool!!!
The Three MetalliStooges should DEFINITELY make a return to future IAT strips!!!!!