Top Ten: Transformers MP
Figures We Couldn’t Resist

Noisy No. 5 – Insecticons! Vault No. 5 – Insecticons!
I knew sooner or later that Vault and I would end placing the same figures in the same spot. I’m surprised it took til Friday! I’m more than ready to pick up Shrapnel, Bombshell, & Kickback should they get made as MP, but I gotta disagree with Vault a bit, I still want those blocky robot & alt modes. That’s all their charm! I’d go for pretty much any Insecticon, but the original three (and their repaints!) would be enough to satisfy me. I’d love to see the updated transformation from bulky robot to accurately spindly insect bodies. In a perfect world they’d be reasonably priced so army building could be an option. Can you say Dinobot/Insecticon tag team brawl?
Noisy No. 4 – Reflector! Vault No. 4 – More Cassettes!
This one is probably the biggest longshot on my list. When I was a kid, I loved Reflector. I was crushed when I lost part of him in The Great Flood™. I still have the other two and I still keep them on display (I need to track down a new red robot), but I would love to get updated robot modes – though I still need that cheesy 80s camera look. Hey, I said it was a longshot. I’ve always loved the 1:1 scale of these minicons and I want all of them in Masterpiece form. The one’s that came with Soundwave have some of the most impressive engineering I’ve ever seen on a toy. What’s even better is how well they’re articulated and how many accessories they come with. So one of the companies better start selling them in affordable packs.
Noisy No. 3 – Defensor! Vault No. 3 – G2 Grimlock!
Third Parties have stepped in to make updated Combiners, but they’re not all necessarily MP-compatible pieces. I’d like to see a real MP Combiner. I know Defensor isn’t likely to be the first one done (if there ever is one), but this is my list and he’s my favorite Combiner. And, no, I don’t care about that giant motorcycle leg. I may be in the minority here, but I don’t care. Grimlock’s classic look is fantastic, but I can’t help to love his bright blue G2 colors even more. Add some nice metallic paint in there and you’d have one snazzy blue dino. This would be a super easy figure for either company to churn out and show a little love to some G2 fans.
Noisy No. 2 – Ratchet! Vault No. 2 – Sharkticon!
I know that iGear made a pretty good MP-compatible Ratchet, but I’m waiting for the real deal and I think it will happer sooner than later. Ratchet was always one of my favorite Autobots, but he always get shorted in the toy department. Just look at that pic right there! That’s Ratchet’s vintage toy. Time for an MP. With a head. I love the original Sharkticon design. Their bulbous bodies are comprised primarily of teeth with a couple eyes on top and a couple of powerful legs to push them towards food faster. Like the T-Rex, their little front arms are barely a second thought. I don’t even care about the bot mode. I just want a big set of chompers to terrorize my other figures.
Noisy No. 1 – Tracks! Vault No. 1 – Galvatron!
Again this list is all about which Masterpiece figures we simply must own and I don’t even have to think about it: for me, it’s Tracks. I know I’ve told the story before, but Tracks came home with me after my parents took me on a multi-city, Optimus Prime search that left us empty-handed. I could pick anything and I went for Tracks. He’s still my favorite to this day. Who wants a puny gun when you can have a laser cannon/tank thing! I always felt the insane reborn leader of the Decepticons had a more regal look than his previous incarnation. His sleek purple and gray look lends itself to a nice looking bot mode, while modern TF engineering could turn a truly intimidating war machine. I still want his cannon to light up too.

Alright, those are our lists. If you collect the MP line, who are your must haves? If you don’t, who would you have the hardest time resisting? Let’s hear your picks below!

29 thoughts on “Top Ten: Transformers MP
Figures We Couldn’t Resist

  1. In no particular order, other than the order I thought of them:

    More Seekers
    More Decepti-Cassettes
    Shockwave — Scratch that — They took too long, now I have Quakewave. Their loss.
    Shattered Glass Soundwave and his all his Mini-Pals

    I may come up with more later.

  2. Have we got all 3 original seekers then move on to the Coneheads

    Jazz: Was my first Transformer ever so to own this is a must.
    Ironhide/Ratchet: We need a G1 toon likeness and MP can do it
    The Minibots: They were fun to have as a kid and MP updates would rock for these guys
    Trailbreaker/Hoist: Filling spots of the original Autobot crew.
    The Stunticons: I know we have a 3rd party set but legit ones of a fave con squad would rock
    2nd Arcee: Its time for an accurate Arcee. Seen fanmade but those aren’t for sale.
    2nd More Dinobots: Slag, Snarl, Sludge and Swoop need to get some love again. Even Generations hasn’t gone past Grimlock

    Actually like both lists so, for them all.

    Doesn’t transform but Nightbird the ninja fembot?

    1. Jazz! Man, I forgot all about him. I thought he was out already! Yes, he is a must. I know a lot of my favorites have been done (Prowl/Bluestreak/Smokescreen, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker) but we definitely need Jazz!

    2. I forgot Stunticons on my list!
      I almost have a full set from various deluxe/retail releases the last few years, but that Dragstrip is so spindly, there’s no way he could be a leg. They really need to adapt what they’ve already released, then add MotorMaster (aka Scourge?) to the set, or figure out how to do MM that can adapt to join with the previously released singles?

  3. If I cut back on expenses a bit, I might just afford this line someday. Besides, eating is overrated, right?

    In the meantime, here’s my list. Yeas, I lean a lot towards the good guys.

    1. Wheeljack! – My favorite Autobot ever. Period. Wheeljack rules.

    2. Bumblebee! – The vintage Volkswagen Bug which VW might never license again.

    3. Mirage! – An all-time classic with a neat “super power” and a radical design.

    4. Tracks! – Also a favorite for his cool personality and stylish vehicle mode.

    5. Ratchet! – Easy pick here. A must-have character for any G1 cartoon or comic fan.

    6. Ironhide! – IDW has truly made Prime’s loyal bodyguard both awesome and relevant.

    7. Hound! – Another great vehicle design and an interesting character to boot.

    8. Perceptor! – I’ve always loved his brainy but gutsy microscope/scientist angle.

    9. Hoist! – The British-sounding maintenance expert has always appealed a lot to me.

    10. More Dinobots! – We need the complete quintet to round out Grimmy!

    Honorable mention goes to Defensor, (my favorite combiner as well) Blaster, Huffer, Brawn, Skids, Trailbreaker, Windcharger, Springer, Kup, and Blurr, who would have likely rounded out a top twenty. (See what I just did there?) 😉

    1. Masterpiece Wheeljack and Bumblebee are already up for ordering at BBTS. (I refuse to use the term “Pre-Order,” except to mention that I refuse to use it.)

      And it looks like Bumblebee is going to be a VW Beetle.

      Oh, yeah: I will second Jazz. Solid.

  4. Devastator. A proper, Masterpiece, G1 toy-colored, swappable yellow/red eyed, optionally visor-ed, fully accessorized, robots with all three mode-ed, “Constructicons, merge for the kill!”ed Devastator would make me spend the $600+ it would cost.

  5. to be real, i’d love a more awesome arcee, but i feel like the third parties are more likely to give you something really memorable, rather than MP edition, since the MPs are pretty true to the original designs… and g1 arcee kinda sucked. her transformation left an almost absurd amount of weight on her back, you’d need a thorough reimagination of her articulation and perhaps transformation to get that remedied. plus she had small lady machine boobs, and i’d to think we can give her bigger gas cans in the new millenium. nothing pornographic, but… more kat dennings as a machine girl, rather than beth behrs. i would example the igear fig, which i think balances her presentation much nicer than the g1 fig did… THAT i would take closer to MP scale, rather than a straight up MP.

    1. I see what you’re saying. Several “male” bots have bigger “turbines” than the handful of fembots. It makes you wonder what team they’re really playing for.

  6. I’m not collecting this line but I couldn’t resist the Takara Soundwave and his Cassette buddies. I even picked up the 3rs party Energon Cube packs to display with him. I never had Soundwave as a kid and this new version was everything I wanted – great sculpting and detail, wicked articulation and a classic conversion. And his cassettes are more than just flat slabs with limbs poking out. So I’d definitely be in for Blaster and the Autobot Cassettes.

    Also I’m waiting for the one Transformer I have strong memories of having as a kid – Sunstreaker. I loved his car mode but his G1 level articulation was lacking even for adolescent me. An MP version would satisfy my need for having that childhood toy on the shelf and also fulfill my desire to have his legs move.

  7. Astrotrain
    The rest of the dino bots
    Devastator and all his individual parts and forms
    Ultra Magnus

    Those are my desires….

  8. Noisy, I don’t know whether to love you or hate you for that pun you did with the Reflector entry…

  9. I’d rather have deluxe versions at retail than the HTF costly MP’s, myself. the TF Classics took care of most of those wants, several years back. (~2006-07?)
    plus, I just saw the new Joe!HOUND up in Onion yesterday! ok, it was a green jeep with GI Joe logo/bars deco running down the side, but it was a pure GEEK!moment for me! LOL

    Arcee and Dinobots are definitely in the lead for me.
    (altho that Leader Grimlock currently on shelves I couldn’t get into dino-mode, thanks to wonky legs/hindquarters, so…?)

    Insecticons? sure, why not. I had a couple of the G1 guys.

    Ratchet – I had the original, but I think it was one of those mail-order things where I could have gone for Reflector, but chose the ambulance instead. (he eventually wound up with Prowl’s head, thanks to one too many, falls or something? that dude was totally worn out in the first year.) I think the ambulance was one of, if not the only, Protectobot I had, too?

    I wouldn’t mind a new set of Aerialbots, and if I ever get my stuff out of storage, I think I have enough deluxe planes to try and repaint them into the classic team?
    I snagged the RUINATION set on sale last week at WM (~$10 each), and they seem more of an updated Technobot team than anything else, including Combaticons, to me.

    Blaster – I never had any of him or various Soundwaves until Action Force and then the more recent iterations (music SUV, Cyber-tank), but I did have some of the G1 tapes. I saw some of the new “discs” in clearance then later saw all three of the Cybertron tanks, but decided to get the tapes first then couldn’t find them again. sigh…

    can’t think of many more I’d “need”-need.

    Now, if you need a Top Ten list for Doctor Who….
    (Susan, Ian & Barbara, 70s Sarah Jane, proper Donna, blue jacket 8, River in dress/denim, 5″ Clara, numerous TARDIS interiors, “Bad Wolf” Jack, Steven & Dodo, Schism & young Master, FA Time Lords, Valeyard, 5″ ‘Nightmare’ Cybermen & Ice Warrior, Frobisher, 5″ articulated Torchwood team w/Rhys, The Hub set, etc)

    1. yeah, I saw that Slag earlier tonight. drooooooooooooool………..
      He’s my Primary Dinobot, only G1 I had, then I bought him again in G2 red and TFA. the rest keep disappointing me!

  10. I’m down with MP Hound. I still have my Alternator’s Hound and he holds up surprisingly well.

    They need to do MP Megatron. Hopefully find a way to get around the whole handgun mess that MP-05 was. It was fairly easy just to pull the orange tab out from it, but still…

    Obviously ALL OF TEH DINOBOTZ…

    MP Astrotrain would be pretty killah.

    MP Ironhide/Ratchet are must-haves.



    MP Jetfire/Skyfire PLZ!!!

  11. I want an Masterpiece Metroplex! I love my SDCC one from this year, but he’d be even better if he were like six feet tall.

  12. This is a tough one. I love transformers, but my wallet doesn’t like how much money I’m spending, so technically, I hope they never make these so that I won’t be tempted to buy them.

    Any Triplechanger

    And if we go non-G1 cartoon:

    IDW Prowl (in the Andrew Griffith Design from Robots In Disguise)
    IDW Chromedome (though the upcoming TFSS Chromedome will do for now)
    IDW Rewind
    Star Saber
    Dai Atlas

  13. I know there are still many, many G1 character left to do, but what about anything from Beast Wars? Masterpiece Optimus Primal/Megatron? Or maybe MP Hot Shot from Armada?

  14. MP always leaves me feeling a little conflicted since it’s become the definitive figure of G1 cartoon representations rather than the ultimate representation of a character. Sticking to the cartoon sources mostly produce awesome results (Optimus 2.0, Lambor and others) but is too restrictive for my tastes. To me, the G1 toon look many times was uselessly simplified (Soundwave, Sunstreaker) or just dumb (Broadside), and striving slavishly for it doesn’t allow the artists involved to improve or incorporate other elements into it. That said, here are my ideas/wants:
    (In descending order)
    Hot Rod/Rodimus (Noisy’s right in wanting to get him done properly)
    Sunstreaker (following the G1 toy’s head, not the cartoon’s)
    Bay Movie Ironhide (I might be the only one that wants a MP of this walking arsenal)
    Punch/Counterpunch (today’s design advances could make this incredible)
    Beast Wars/Machines Optimus Primal (If there’s animation I’d like to see engineered, it’s of this guy in either form)
    Cosmos (who DOESN’T like this guy?)
    Swoop (they got Grimlock so right that I’d love to see it done)
    Galvatron/Megatron (a toon design I loved, though I question whether we’ll get another real gun in a very real scale)
    Jazz (everyone needs their sentimental favorite)

    1. I left off Blaster since he seems a virtual certainty. Also, MP Twins (Fastlane/Cloudraker and Pounce/Wingspan) have always intrigued me…

  15. 1) Arcee

    2) Jazz

    3) The rest of the Dinobots

    4) Bulkhead. Yeah, I said it.

    5) Jetfire

    6) Blitzwing

    7) Ironhide (thereby making Ratchet a certainty)

    8) Devestator. Hopefully combining the best of all the fanmade versions

    9) Galvatron

    10) GI Joe Transformers. Optimus as a HiSS tank, Starscream as a Night Raven, etc. An adult-aimed collector’s line might be the only place we’d see this kind of mash-up.

  16. Some of those wishes are close to fulfillment. FansToys brought us an MP scaled Shockwave, and a couple days ago revealed an MP sized Slag. They also teased us with silhouettes of Swoop and Jetfire. Both Unique Toys and iGear are releasing 3-packs of Sharkticons in the next 60 days. Both sets look great attacking MP Grimlock. Takara has a pre-order up for MP Ultra Magnus. While nobody mentioned him, Warbotron is making a Bruticus combiner who could be very very close to MP scale. They’ve also teased us with a future Menasor.

  17. nooo, don’t do this to me, I’m already having a hard time finding the month where I can buy either my beloved Soundwave or that awesome ‘dead’ Black Optimus Prime, don’t make me think about thinks like Arcee, Dinobot, Optimus Primal, Blaster or Reflector, I wouldn’t be able to eat!

  18. You got a bunch of mine like Hot Rod, Galvatron, Cyclonus and Tracks, but there’s a few I just gotta have:
    Ironhide – major character, looks cool and I need some larger Autobots
    Blitzwing – love his look, and the alt modes tank and weird jet are way cool
    Sunstreaker – another Lamborghini, yeah, but way cooler
    Inferno – another big Autobot, and a odd but neat-looking robot
    Beast Machines Optimus Primal – that’s my crazy longshot that will never happen, but I really liked many of the designs in Beast Machines, and OP was way rad, and none of those guys got decent toys. Masterpiece is totally a line geared towards the Japanese audience, and they have no fondness for the Beasts, so ain’t gonna happen, but a man’s gotta have dreams, right?*

    * this list assumes Wheeljack will actually get announced by an official source and will see the light of day.

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