OSM News: Infinity Edition Shipping Soon & New Variants!

It’s been quiet on the Outer Space Men front lately, but things are kicking into high gear this week! The Four Horsemen have posted news of a new variant wave at FourHorsemen.Biz just in time for the holidays: the Galactic Holiday Edition! And, at long last, the regular versions are getting ready to ship!

Here’s the Four Horsemen announcement on the Infinity Editions…

We just got confirmation that the Outer Space Men: Infinity Edition shipment has landed at the docks in New York City, has been passed through US customs safely, and will be delivered to the Four Horsemen Studios warehouse tomorrow afternoon!

As soon as we get the shipment unloaded and get the warehouse shipping area prepped we’ll begin the shipping process to get all of the figures out to those who’ve pre-ordered them.

If you haven’t ordered your full set of the Outer Space Men: Infinity Edition figures yet, then just go to Store Horsemen now and get your OSM on! All orders placed within the continental United States before December 15th at 11:59pm est, will be guaranteed to be delivered to you before Christmas!


And if the prospect of receiving the Outer Space Men under your tree isn’t enough, check out these aliens…

Here’s the next batch of Outer Space Men waves 1 & 2 variants. The Outer Space Men: Galactic Holiday Edition!

We just got these images sent over to us from our factory, and they look phenomenal so far! Although each figure is missing some paint applications, you can definitely get a good idea of where these are going.

And check out those ABS accessories! That’s gold vacuum plating you’re lookin’ at there! There are going to be silver vacuum plated accessories as well!

Each figure is going to come with randomly inserted gold or silver accessories, vac-plated were possible, but painted either gold or silver in cases where vac-plating is not possible (i.e. non-ABS parts).

These inter-dimensional ornaments will probably go up for pre-order on Monday (Dec. 13 – 9:00pm EST), and the factory says that they can have them delivered to us here at the studio by December 17th! If that happens, then we can almost guarantee that we can get these shipped and into your hands by Christmas! Keep your fingers crossed…

Keep checking back here for more info!

For the latest Four Horsemen news, check out FourHorsemen.Biz!

9 thoughts on “OSM News: Infinity Edition Shipping Soon & New Variants!

  1. I love the metallic/chroming. I wish we could get a pack of just the metallic/chromed bits.

    1. Yeah, I’m not sure if I want silver or gold more, but it won’t matter since we can’t pick. It would be nice to be able to pick up the other set separately at some point in the future.

  2. Anyone noticed the “variant” of Metamorpho in the set photo is gold while in the wave 1 and the carded photo of the set is red… mmm…

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