DCClassiscs.Com Gotham
City 5pk (Wal-Mart Exclusive)

Every once in awhile, living in Uncle Wally's backyard pays off. I had precious little to do this afternoon, so I grabbed the car keys and headed off to see how the Wal-Mart resets were coming along at the various stores around me. I hit up my eight closest Wal-Marts (it's not really that far, if you have a town of 10k or so, you're awarded a 24 Supercenter around these parts) and was happy to find DC Classics pegs popping up at quite a few of them.

Most of the pegs were empty, and the ones that did have figures only had the "Best Of" case to clog the pegs before Wave 9 arrives, but I have a feeling Wave 9 (and Wave 10) aren't going to be an issue - at least in our neck of the woods. I'm a little concerned about the 5pk distribution though, because of the eight Wal-Marts I traveled to five had set pegs for DC Classics, but so far only one had shelfspace for the DCUC 5pk. I lucked out today though, because that one store had the 5pk too.

It’sAllTrueReview: DC Classics Wonder Twins (SDCC Week!)

Seventh in our ten part series featuring the 2009 SDCC exclusives, this review covers the DC Classics Wonder Twins.

The Wonder Twins. The very name can strike fond memories or loathing in the heart of any DC fan. They're the product of the 1977 All-New Super Friends Hour, one of the many incarnations of the Super Friends cartoon. When I was a kid, Super Friends had moved on to become The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians and had gotten quite a bit better. That said, I have fond memories of the show that featured Firestorm and Cyborg as the teenage sidekicks. The Wonder Twins, despite being on what amounted to a completely different version seven years earlier, still get some love from me. At least enough that I was excited to buy this set when I first learned about it.

So the box set has arrived, albeit Gleek-less, and it's their turn under the ItsAllTrue spotlight...

Mr. Rant’s says, “Stop releasing so much at once!”

Dear Matty, Congratulations on another great showing at San Diego. Again, you’ve seen fit to tempt us with the delicious candy of your SDCC reveals. Every year, we look forward to being teased by images from the con that will keep us watching our calendars and toy sightings forums for the next few months.

Particularly, I love the product that you and the Four Horsemen have planned for MOTU Classics and DC Classics. I’m down with just collecting those two toy lines, but I might not be able to afford to pick up both.

Checklists for DC, MOTU,
and Ghostbusters Classics!

This is sort of a grand opening for ItsAllTrue.Net. When we conceived what this site would be, one of the things we wanted were checklists/resources for some of the lines we were collecting. Truthfully, we just really like making lists and this way we get to share them. Right out of the gate, we're giving you these 4 handy resources: a MattyCollector Calendar, & Checklists for DC, MOTU, and Ghostbusters Classics! The calendar features a chart of the different toylines offered on the site with release dates. With this chart, you can look ahead to see what Matty is releasing when and know when you can save on shipping as well as when you need to save up! The three checklists feature a visual guide to the figures as well as release information and any other specific info that might be relevant. The Ghostbusters and MOTU Classics pages also feature a news section for the latest updates from Mattel.