Review: Hot Toys
Batman Cosbaby – The Nolan Series

We’re closing out Son of Guest Review Week with one of the best in the business, Michael Crawford! He may cringe at the thought, but I’ve been enjoying his toy reviews since I was in high school. He sets the gold standard for toy reviews and I’m elated that he agreed to participate in guest review week!

Liveblogging: The New 52
DC Comics Micro-Reviews All Day

Today is a rare weekday off and yesterday was my first chance to get to my LCS in a month. That means I’ve just picked up my first DC Comics from “The New 52” and I’ve got all day to read them. Sounds like a good recipe for some liveblogging...

DCClassiscs.Com Gotham
City 5pk (Wal-Mart Exclusive)

Every once in awhile, living in Uncle Wally's backyard pays off. I had precious little to do this afternoon, so I grabbed the car keys and headed off to see how the Wal-Mart resets were coming along at the various stores around me. I hit up my eight closest Wal-Marts (it's not really that far, if you have a town of 10k or so, you're awarded a 24 Supercenter around these parts) and was happy to find DC Classics pegs popping up at quite a few of them.

Most of the pegs were empty, and the ones that did have figures only had the "Best Of" case to clog the pegs before Wave 9 arrives, but I have a feeling Wave 9 (and Wave 10) aren't going to be an issue - at least in our neck of the woods. I'm a little concerned about the 5pk distribution though, because of the eight Wal-Marts I traveled to five had set pegs for DC Classics, but so far only one had shelfspace for the DCUC 5pk. I lucked out today though, because that one store had the 5pk too.