DCClassics.Com Club Infinite
Earths Ocean Master Review

The paint work on my figure was thankfully sharp. Orm is mostly molded in the appropriate colors, so the paint is crucial where it’s needed. There is a little fuzziness around the mask edges, but its sharp enough. The manta tampo on his chest is crisp too and helps really sell the figure along with the gold paint which feels like it’s doing some heavy lifting on the otherwise near-monochromatic figure.

Articulation is what we’ve come to expect since we’ve got a nearly buck figure here. Some deeper poses may be blocked by the heavier cape, but he does what you want him to do, particularly at the neck. There’s some great range here. It feels like the designers knew he was going to get compared to Aquaman who still has one of the best neck articulation setups in the line.

Orm includes one accessory, his trademark staff. I suppose if anything explains this costume choice, it’s the accessory. The older, two-ton purple Orm wouldn’t need the staff. It’s a nice design, it looks spot on, and he looks good holding it. It does feel a little short though, particularly when compared to previous offerings.

Overall, Ocean Master may not be the sexist figure, but I think he’s a great roster filler. He’s the kind of character we would need to keep the line going if we could. He’s a major villain of an important character and more importantly, he looks like a great toy. The two-tone costume works and the gold and red really pop once you get him out and start talking about him.

The other cool news is that we almost have Lex Luthor’s Injustice Gang. We’re just missing Dr. Light (which I wouldn’t really want now that I mention it) and Circe – Circe, like Orm here, is a head scratcher for me. How did we get this far before we got to Orm and with never getting to Circe? Man, I’m just not ready to let this line go.

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13 thoughts on “DCClassics.Com Club Infinite
Earths Ocean Master Review

  1. Injustice Gang Dr. Light – that sounds like a manga title about steampunk dentists…

    Thank you for the review.

  2. As an Aquaman fan, whenever I think Rogues’ Gallery, Ocean Master is the second guy that comes to mind after Black Manta. (Manta edges Orm out thanks to Challenge of the Superfriends!) Heck, toss in the Shark (also considered a GL villain) and that’s three Aqua Bad Guys that the 4H delivered before Mattel brought down the curtain. Not bad at all, but yeah, I wouldn’t have minded guys like the Fisherman and Scavenger somewhere along the way, although their absence isn’t as bad when compared to those of …Killer Frost, …Monocle, …Rag Doll, …Signalman, …Jason Woodrue, …Psycho-Pirate, …Goldface, ….Doctor Polaris, …Hector Hammond, …Sonar, …Major Disaster, …a classic Black Hand, …the original Trickster, …Heat Wave, …Pied Piper, …Weather Wizard, …Golden Glider, …the Top, …Abra Kadabra, …Rainbow Rider, …a classic Captain Boomerang…

    I could go on forever, couldn’t I? Those old Who’s Who issues are ripe with cool possibilities!


    I’m no ready to let go, either…

    Let’s just say that I’m glad Orm made the cut somehow. Great review and funny pics as usual, Noisy. 🙂

    1. My favorite part of this line are the C-list and D-list villains we got.

      Ocean Master is the last “hurrah” for that section of the line.

      I wanted a freakin’ Angle Man so bad…

      1. Absolutely agree with both you guys. And I would’ve killed for an oversized Blockbuster and Shaggy Man. And an Atomic Skull. And a Dr. Polaris. And…

  3. I have to say, I was very pleasantly surprised with Ocean Master. I almost considered listing him on ebay without even opening the box and now he’ll probably survive the great DCUC sell off I will be undertaking shortly.

  4. I mainly picked up the DCD version as I figured we’d *NEVER* get him otherwise. Color me wrong.

    I really wish mine wasn’t buried in storage at the moment so I could compare them better. It’s the mask that sets him apart from his purple DCD twin. Better detail and coloring make it stand out. Besides the fins, y’know.

    and yeah, Clutch, how is it we have TWO Orm now, multiple jester Toyman/men, and James Jesse still doesn’t have a single figure? not even in JLU!! I mean, we got WALLER in JLU!! sigh….

  5. Really nice review, Noisy. You pretty much captured everything I was thinking about this figure, both as a toy and his importance to the line. I too was concerned about that collar when i first saw him in the box, but once you remove him from the packaging, it really does work. They also really nailed all the little details (belt, helmet, manta insignia) so that they “pop” on what is a relatively simple looking figure. He may actually be one of my favorite sub figures.
    Man, this line (under all its names) caused me a lot of headaches, but looking at Ocean Master reminds me how much I’m going to miss it.

  6. Great review as always.

    I think everyone was unsure about the cape collar, but it really works for him. (I guess he’s compensating for something)

    I try not to think of all the great figures there could have been. It just gets me depressed. I’m hoping it will come back somehow, or some customizer starts producing parts so we can make some of the missing figures we all want. Can’t believe there are only six more figures left til it over.

  7. I really liked this figure, don’t understand the negative response from some. Despite the feeling that I’m betraying DCUC, I’ll probably end up getting a Total heroes at some point.

  8. Great review Noisy! Spot on as always. This is a great figure on the best buck Mattel has. IMHO. Shame this line is ending but I am determined to garner up the will to knock off the bucks and customize my own figures one day.

    This was a great line with plenty more characters left to make but Mattel is such a large corp that the profit margins are too small for them to give a crap. So away into the sunset it goes. And for that reason, once DCSHs/DCUCs/DCIEs is over, Mattel won’t be getting my money again unless they relaunch/re-offer the line again. 6″ scale COLLECTOR figs or I’m out. I’ll get the ’66 Bats stuff cause it falls into that category but I won’t be buying any Total Heroes junk or 4″ Movie Masters.

  9. Great review Noisy! Spot on as always. This is a great figure on the best buck Mattel has. IMHO. Shame this line is ending but I am determined to garner up the will to knock off the bucks and customize my own figures one day.

    This was a great line with plenty more characters left to make but Mattel is such a large corp that the profit margins are too small for them to give a crap. So away into the sunset it goes. And for that reason, once DCSHs/DCUCs/DCIEs is over, Mattel won’t be getting my money again unless they relaunch/re-offer the line again. 6″ scale COLLECTOR figs or I’m out. I’ll get the ’66 Bats stuff cause it falls into that category but I won’t be buying any Total Heroes junk or 4″ Movie Masters….I hope they choke on em.

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