TRU Exclusive Hal Jordan

Hal is almost painted to be in his modern costume. The areas of green and black are right and the metallic color even feels more right for this version, but no one updated the Lantern symbol. There’s a recent cover in the image below that shows the updated symbol. As it is, this is a modern Hal with a Silver Age logo.

Hal includes the same button as his All-Star release. It’s from the cover to Green Lantern v. 4 #1 which kicked off the new book after Hal returned in Rebirth. Hal also includes a Lantern accessory. I’ve never been a fan of this particular piece. The lantern appears differently over time and I’m sure this version is accurate to something provided by DC Comics, but I like the Lanterns produced over at DC Direct more. What might have helped here is if they painted/molded it in a metallic green to match Hal. Hal also included a clear blue DC Universe stand.

So where do you put this Hal? I’m not sure. If the metallic look doesn’t bother you, he’ll probably fit in with your other GLs. I don’t think I’d be mixing them though. I do have to point out he looks damn good when standing next to the DC Direct Blackest Night figures. If anything motivates to pick up modern Hal for myself, it’ll be those guys.

Overall, Hal’s a nice piece with a lot of reasons to buy him even if you don’t really need one. The metallic paint job looks sharp on the figure and, symbol aside, he’s a great modern version. He was $14.99 so these TRU exclusives are still slightly cheaper than regular figures. Our store received ten Hals on Wednesday. I wasn’t sure if they’d sell as quickly as the Batman did, but Rant reported that he left six on the pegs after grabbing his. After three days, theyโ€™re already half gone! Since my TRU never got in more Batmen, it looks like I’ve got to make my decision soon…

For more DCUC reviews, check out our DC Classics Collector’s Guide.

46 thoughts on “ItsAllTrueReview:
TRU Exclusive Hal Jordan

  1. I gotta sy he does look pretty sweet with the Blackest Night figures, now if only Mattel will expand the line into the rest of the Emotional/Lantern Corps I’ll be Happy. I hope the recently announced “Green Lantern Classics does just that. I would have to say that I am looking forward to the dark red and gold Flash more than this guy though. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yeah he does look pretty dang sweet with the DCDs . . .

      I think I’m likely “Hal’d out” for now, given that I’ll probably be getting the 5-pack.

    2. I like him with the DCDs, but as Mattel chugs along the “Blackest Night” shelf will be an interesting one to work out…

      I’m not sure how I feel on the upcoming Flash. I could see him as a Wally West stand-in with a few wrong details.

    1. It’s a photoshop! It’s the Hal from the left moved to the right and worked in with some white temples. I think the 5pk will be closer to the end of Summer.

  2. I totally feel you on the metallic paint kinda upstaging the rest of the GLs – it is a bit disconcerting to have John Stewart (which I thought was a better figure) and Kilowog (my favorite DCUC overall) look duller. I’ll still pick one up, though.

    Regarding your first Hal “decaying into dust”…has anyone else noticed this with their older DCUC figures? On mine, a dusty build-up tends to mysteriously appear, mostly on the lower legs below the thigh swivel. They haven’t suffered any structural damage, but I’d hate to come back to them in a year or so and find nothing but dust.

    1. The decay happens on all of my wave three figures in the are you describe and on the arms. I keep wanting to replace them with All-Stars (Hal, Dick, Tim) but I haven’t done that yet.

  3. Two TRU near me received a lot of these. I think he looks cool, but not amazing. I’m sick of having to wash my wave 3 Hal every month or two to get the white dust look off of him, so I’m torn on if I should spend money picking up the all star figure (that presumably would not have the white dust problem) or this figure.

  4. @orionpax636: I only have two figures with the white powder problem, Green Lantern and Deathstroke. Since both of them are from wave 3 I hoped that it would only affect that particular wave.

    1. Dammit! I never made that connection, but I guess it’s true. I knew I should have picked up that All-Star Nightwing. I’ll be glad to pick up a new Deathstroke, he had a gummy bicep swivel anyway – hopefully they fix the tight scabbard too.

  5. I was really excited about this guy when he was announced. You are correct about the symbol, it is incorrect for a “modern” Hal. Aside from the metallic paint, you should also note that the boot and glove lines are wrong for his modern look because they should be angled towards his elbows and calves, respectively.

    Another minus for me is reusing the same head sculpt. Modern Hal has a shorter haircut, specifically on the sides of his head. Matty dropped the ball here and just wanted to push a repaint on us at the higher price point.

    I will admit he does look good with the DCD figures. Thanks for the review!

  6. I think the third last pic, showing how Mattel has been exploring the vastness of the GL Corps, is hilarious.

    Great piece!

  7. I like the metallic one best. I’m sorta holding out hope the GLC line will get us metallic versions of the GLs they already released. I’d buy them again. Even Kilowog.

    1. I don’t know how’d I feel about a wave with a repaint C&C. I already am annoyed about ‘Wog/Brimstone/Validus being the same body.

  8. It’s just another Hal. I don’t mind that they made it since the TRU exclusives don’t have BAF pieces, but I don’t know if I need it either.

    1. That’s a good course of action. I’m hesitant on the 5pk, but I’ll get Guy and Hal as I remember him. Tomar’s not bad. The John and Sinestro are problematic though.

  9. While I want the rest of the Corps too (Great comic!) I’m happy to have all the versions of Hal Jordan – including his various rainbow corps uniforms in DC Classics. And yes, Parallax is a must!

    1. I hope they get to Parallax sooner or later. The line isn’t nearly 90s enough. I’m curious as to who that falls on. DCSH was very 90s, especially compared to DCUC.

  10. Wow, that pic of Hal w/ the DCD Blackest Night figures is great.
    DCD is kinda kicking Mattel’s butt in certain areas.
    For someone like me who needs unique sculpts, and who wants diversity in my collection, DCD is kinda the way to go.
    I’ve not been buying the DCD BN figs, and now I regret it.
    That one pic makes me really regret it.
    Mattel will never put in the tooling to match those.
    As much of an articulation junkie as I am, I think I have to go back and buy all of those DCD figs you show.
    Oh, and I gotta go get this Hal.
    I must be one of the lucky dozen whose DCUC3 Hal is just fine, but I need this one.
    So.. thanks for the review, and curse you, for making me need the DCD BN figs.

    1. The only problem with DCD is that they just make bad figures sometimes. Larfleeze is great. Sinestro and Atrocitus are okay. Walker is almost okay. Indigo is a crappy figure and I couldn’t bring myself to buy Star Sapphire.

      I would love to get unique sculpts, but I do prefer the consistency of the buck system at the same time.

  11. This post actually motivated me to post my thoughts on the GL 5pk after seeing the pics in ToyFare. As you could tell by my previous comment I was upset about this figure and I’m not too happy about the upcoming box set. Head over to my blog if you’re interested in reading my post. Just click on “3B” above.

    1. I pretty much agree with your column on the 5pk. It just wasn’t done with any love for the GL franchise. Toy Guru makes sure to have that GL ring on when we see him, so I’m surprised that the GL stuff is so weak in the details.

  12. What’s that? An excuse to post my beloved Parallax? ๐Ÿ˜›


    Yeah, I wish Hal wasn’t shiny, but at least there are now tons of GL bodies on the pegs to make your own JLU GLs, since those were all shiny.

    1. Holy crap that is awesome, and I second the “you suck” sentiment because of it. ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Hi there,

    Really like your reviews on this line. Recently got myself started on GLs and Kilowog, JS and Katma Tui are on their way!

    Got a question:
    You mentioned that Hal from wave 3 is turning into dust. What exactly is the problem? Something wrong with the plastic they used?

    And you said that Hal from the 2pk is one of the worst QC figure you have. Again, can I know what is the problem?

    Thinking of getting the wave 3 Hal and the 2 pack to complete the GL corps (thus far) but after reading the reviews, I’m getting a bit apprehensive.

    Please advise.

    & keep up the good work!!!

    1. Thanks! Welcome to the line!

      On wave three, Mattel switched away from a factory that was using cheaper plastic and had bad QC. As a result, early wave three figures tend to produce a fine white dust on the softer plastic parts (particularly the lower legs). I’m not sure if it’s a breakdown/leak or some type of oxidation, but it has to be periodically cleaned. The first DCUC 2pks were also produced on the cheap. All of us at IAT have a problem with their 2pk. My Abin Sur can’t move his left leg, Vault’s Hal has brown paint all over his head, Rant’s Abin Sur had a hole in the back of his head, etc.

      There are good workarounds though. Hal has been released as an All-Star recently and the QC on those should be just fine, on par with the rest of the line. I’ve thought about picking up some of the W3 All-Star reissues, but haven’t committed the money to do so. Similarly, Mattel released more Hal/Abin 2pks recently (my TRU received a case of them this week) and that, presumably, should have better quality control as well. Good luck out there!

  14. Okay, inspire of the inaccuracies and the bullsh!t I talked, I still ended up buying this guy today at TRU. I couldn’t help it. I saw a bunch of them on the pegs and the “I must get it before it’s gone” impulse kicked in. I’m weak…

    They also had the GL 2pk, so I grabbed that, too. Been wanting me an Abin for a longtime!

    1. It happens. If I didn’t run across to IM2 figures, I probably wouldn’t have made it out either. LOL

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