Matty on Facebook: Count Marzo in Package

Last night on Facebook, Matty gave us our first look at Count Marzo in package.

Count Marzo
Evil Master of Magic

Real Name: Marzo Kalif
A fifth degree wizard raised by evil mystics in the Dunes of Doom, Marzo spent most of his early life learning of the many advantages of magic over technology. Seeing the suffering warriors in the Dark Hemisphere, Marzo became convinced that Eternia would be better off with him as its leader. He staged a series of strategic uprisings across planet and challenged King Miro for his crown. Unable to defeat the King’s army, Marzo used his magical amulet to banish Miro into another dimension. In their father’s absence, Miro’s royal sons heroically joined together and defeated the wizard, trapping him in the form of a powerless old man.

20 thoughts on “Matty on Facebook: Count Marzo in Package

  1. So from reading the bio am I too understand that Keldor and Randor fought together against Marzo and trapped marzo in the old man? If so why would Keldor become an outcast after being a hero…………

      1. Don’t sully my honest question about matty’s confusing continuity…I can smell reboot already!

    1. The interesting part about that bio is that Keldor didn’t have a grudge until after Miro was gone. That means whatever Keldor got pissed off about is Randor’s fault.

      1. Not necessarily. Keldor could have already been banished, but came back because it involved Miro.

  2. Excellent packaging/bio. We finally get so information on him. I throught the Council of Elders prisoned him into that old man body- oh well they adjusted it alittle but it’s still cool too me!!! I’ll need 2 of them in July.

  3. i’m SO EXCITED for marzo!!!! don’t ask me why! well, do, but ask me in the forums!

  4. That body doesn’t really scream “prison” to me. Maybe I’m missing something.

    Besides that, isn’t it his mind that’s dangerous, given that he’s a wizard?

    1. Maybe they left him alive because they needed him to get Miro back. Or did Miro just end up on Etheria?

      But, otherwise, they should’ve killed him.

  5. This is a cool bio. I hope we get a Miro figure, or at least find out more about what happened to him.

    And is that 200x art I see on the cardback there? OH NOES!!!!

  6. I want to like this figure, but the molded to his hand amulet sours the whole deal.

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