Matty fans, are you ready? Just a little over a year ago, we were treated to the 1hr sellout of Mer-Man. Oh, how the times have changed! Now, we’re subscribers here at IAT, so we don’t have the same pressure many of you are facing, but we wish you luck. We’d like to say that we’ll be there with you in spirit, but we’ll be in the bandwidth trenches trying to snag a Weapons Pak. May your cart be full and your checkout smooth!
53 thoughts on “Buy a lottery ticket or kick a chair: It’s Evil Lyn Day!”
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These last few months have been the worst. I got Adora, but missed Trap Jaw and Moss Man. After last month, I expect her to go in five minutes. I’m just sort of accepting that I’ll have to wait for the reissue. SIGH.
What really sucks is that I need reissue Hordak. If I miss Evil Lyn, I’ll by buying Hordak and getting no closer to being complete.
I’m subscriber and the weapons aren’t worth it, so I’m going to sit back and watch the carnage today.
Not on topic, I know, but when will the voting begin on the Most Requested? I thought it was supposed to start last week?
The SDCC reveals were such big news items that we held off on the voting. We’ll be starting that up early this week though and voting will run until Thursday, April 29th.
LOL @ Bandwidth trenches description. I hope you score your Pak. I’ll be there alongside you trying to score mine too.
Thanks! Good luck to you too. As a subscriber (I’m guessing?) are you signing up for 2011, but secretly worried about them adding stands, weapons paks, 2pks, etc to the lineup and not including those in the all-in sub? I’m hoping for good news come SDCC time.
And even if Mattel does go mostly all-in (exclusives are out) on the sub, I fear that Ghostbusters or DC product will ramp up and screw me on shipping anyway. LOL
I’m definately signing up for the all-in for 2011, but I won’t be surprise if I still have to head over to every month to pick up the “etc” that they will be adding. They need to do that to drive traffic to their own site and by making things only available there set times of the year will be the only way to do it. I will take whatever announcements they make at SDCC with a pinch of salt since whatever it is said will probably not be valid by 2011, what with the large amount of U-turns and changes in policy in the line.
Do remember that Mattel may be adding a new line to matty over the next 12 months. If it’s something that’s popular (Thundercats? BraveStarr?) I might have to go to the trenches every month for those. And as you mention, there’s still GB & DC, although having said that, I’m cherry-picking both of those lines.
MOTU Fans, want to waste 5 seconds while waiting for Evil Lyn to become available?
<---------- We've added a new poll about the different colors of Power Sword.
“buy a lottery ticket or kick a chair”
That’s about what it’s come down to, hasn’t it? June can’t get here fast enough.
Atomic batteries to power. Turbines to speed. Ready to move out!
Today I’m wearing Purple pants (Parachute pants to be exact) just in case I get angry. Mattel wouldn’t like me when I’m Angry…
Getting close…
…ten minutes…
Already getting white screen. I wonder if they turned it back down after Moss Man blowing out in five.
white screen already lol
I know! It sucks… will I be enjoying Evil Lyn next week or will I be sucking my thumb reading the itsalltrue review?
It did this last time, remember? The WSOD was solid on for a few minutes before everything went live and then it went away at noon.
The WSOD is still going strong…
I haven’t had a page load for five minutes.
People on facebook are saying they’ve finished already…
I got the page to load and and the cart page, but I’m stuck on the final checkout page. GRRRR!
I can’t get through at all. Everyone one facebook seems to be having a great time though.
Stuck on the checkout. 🙁
Yep, OK. Lyn’s gone.
Removing her, let’s see about the Weapons Pak. Grr . . .
i got through just fine, got one of each.
She’s gone. I didn’t get a single page load before she sold out. WTF!
Evil-Lyn: sold out @ 12:07… F*CK MATTY!
I saw her sold out at 12:04.
Okay, I went back for the weapons pak & NV Batman. THAT was easy… but, I’m still pissed about Lyn!
I got her, the pack, and Hordak. I’m spent. Way too much frustration.
Thw WSOD is still going too. Pathetic.
Damn! That was fast… I wonder how Optikk will do?
I hope that She-Ra will last longer… that’s just wrong… 5 minutes…
Such BS. Where was the bandwidth from last month? I haven’t had WSOD for that long since it started.
Weapon’s Pak is gone too. Damn.
where is the collective cut off? maybe we should post an IAT poll about how many times we let matty cornhole us before we collectively say, “the line’s just not worth this hassle?” i’ve threatened before that once i miss a month, i’m quitting… and i don’t have a lyn. i may yet get a boon from a fellow fan, just matty did me this month, hard and fast, and not even a towel thrown at me afterwards. it’s not like i wasn’t there, or didn’t have my sh!t together, etc… i was logged in an hour early, had the mass order screen loaded… i was as prepped as i could get. and i got WSODed out of evil lyn. what exactly did the extra four days buy? cuz mossy was easier than this. i am serious about examining if i continue this line or not. it’s the only line i’m currently seriously after, and i love the toys… but there comes a point where the stress is not worth the toy.
The ONLY, and ONLY reason I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt is because of the supposed increase that’s coming in June.
(I’m already assuming that I’ll miss out on Optikk and Tytus, since I’ve missed Adora, Moss Man, and now Evil-Lyn.)
But if come June, and Keldor and She-Ra *STILL* totally blow out in under 10 minutes, and I miss either one because of WSOD, then I’m out.
I don’t care how awesome the figures are, I love the 4H’s work more than a healthy, rational person should :p, but if Mattel cannot get it together by June, it’s over for me.
These figures need to last 3-4 days at a BARE MINIMUM.
I just wish there weren’t such abysmal offerings to collectors in general (Hello, NECA, Mezco, and all the rest of you guys?) so that scalpers and bored nerds wouldn’t pay so much attention to MotU, which a few years ago most people couldn’t give two sh!ts about.
I was angry when I missed her and I still kinda am, but it’s not like what’s happened with Evil Lyn was a different and separate problem then it was with Moss Man, Trapjaw, or Adora. It’s one mistake that’s going to be replicated five times before they could fix it.
It’s like Layze Man says, if their correction to this problem is insufficient, then I’ll get angry. They did have things in hand the last half of 2009 and I think they will have a better handle this year too. At least I hope so.
Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t off the hook by ANY means.
They had thousands of e-mail addresses on file, and countless websites whose resources they could’ve tapped to get a better gauge of how many true customers they had out there.
They had scalpers sign up for “several hundred” subscriptions a piece, and yet they made NO effort to correct the non-sub availability to give day-of customers a better shot at getting the figures from Matty instead of buying from scalpers.
There really is no excuse for how badly this line has been handled in 2010.
As I say, I’m willing to give them another chance come June, but it really is their last.
I understand. I just mean that I can’t get more angry over Evil Lyn after Moss Man, or angry that it got me last month and not this month. It’s all one error with lasting ramifications. I agree it was an egregious error.
Indeed, it truly has become a random, lottery system.
And agreed also, I’m not any more mad this month missing Lyn than I was last month missing Mossy.
Managed to grab a couple of Hordaks, but no Lyn. Pretty much par for the course with me. The last figure I got that wasn’t a reissue was Randor.
That stinks!
I understand the angst, but atleast there is more than a better chance that EVERY figure like this will be re-issued. I don’t collect the line but i do understand the frustration that comes with missing a figure you want. But if I was, I would not be comtemplating dropping a line that the very brand manager for it says its his favorite line and he seems committed to making sure every figure that sells out that this one is certainly released again at a later date.
I guess for me, the bottom line would be if I were going to eventually end up with holes in my collection. If that were the case, I’d drop it cold. Cause the very enjoyment would be dampened for me. Like getting a brand new all black corvette and getting a scratch on it. Sure the car is still cool as hell and everyone who sees it will attest to it, but as the owner, all you’ll see is that little friggin scratch!!!
So i say, hang in there guys and I feel for you guys that missed out…again O_o
The bright side is you’ll definitely get another chance at it.
Not trying to add insult to injury, just trying to say there’s hope yet!
herein lies the problem lee… yes, we’re likely to get another crack at her year. in that sense, we should count our blessings, right? problem being, every other toy line in the world understands how to control stock and how to service the needs of it’s fanbase. even the small toy companies, that produce units in the hundreds, have a better repoir w/ their fan base and in better control of their product and buying process than “oops, you logged on two minutes too late… no toy for you!… and you! you logged on three minutes too early… no toy for you!” the 5 minutes that lyn was available and the three hours sometime next year still will be an inadequate way to get product to those who want it. the question that myself and lay ze are asking is, how much patience is too much patience for them to ask of us to spend OUR money on THIER product? there does comes a point where the toy itself isn’t worth the hassle to acquire it, now, or a year from now.
Another problem with the reissue thing is that it’s Mattel having its cake and eating it, too, which is BS.
What if the situation were FLIPPED?
Instead of Mattel telling us “Too bad, wait a year, and you might get another chance to buy.”
What if WE told Mattel “Sorry, now’s not a good time for me. Get back to me a year from now and I might buy your toy.”
Of course if we all did that, MOTUC would have tanked right out of the gate.
Give a little, get a little, Mattel.
All you do is take.
That is so true! The reissue plan is like a bad insurance policy. It allows them to underproduce and be safe cause will just lap it up later.
I do see what you are saying, cause disappointments add up and patience certainly runs out.
I am just saying, if it were a line I loved and collected, I think I would put up with the BS, not without continuing to voice my discontent with their incompetence, but my dollars would still flow as long as I knew I wasn’t going to end up sans the product.
Mattel does a sh!tty job with all their product distribution. What made them think they would be good on the retailer level is beyond me but ultimately that’s the only way they were able to produce MOTU.
They do much worst with JLU & DCUC (which I do buy) partly because its mostly a retailer only line. So once you miss it, its gone…9 out of 10 times for good! That doesn’t excuse their ignorance on MOTU at all. Just trying to put it in perspective.
Mattel NEVER promises to re-release a JLU fig/figs that didn’t meet demand. Have they re-released some, sure. But only after hymming and hahing about “maybe in the future’, “when the time is right”, “if we find a good spot to fit it in”. They just basiscally lead the collectors on until they decide to do it or not. The same goes with DCUC. Still waiting for the corrected Harlequin, the modern Red Tornado (its goining on wave 15! He was released in wave 1!!!!!!!), the modern Guardian, the all gold Dr. Fate and they still refuse to put Gentleman Ghost back in circulation. They just now decided to re-release wave 5 but the caveat there is the success of it will determine if the DCUC waves will continue to be sold on In this case, it seems the deck is loaded as the set was released before. While being hard to find, it certainly was distributed…albeit badly. My point being, comparing its sales to determine future sales is not a fair comparison. Certainly a previously released product is not going to sell like a brand new one. The MOTU re-releases don’t sell as fast the second time around as they did the first time, why would this be any different.
So I do understand that everyone’s mileage may differ. But if it were a line I really enjoyed, I would continue so long as I didn’t miss anything for good.
Dayum, I sound like I’m defending those incompetent, impotent suck heads O_o ARGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I”M NOT!!!! I’m saying if you guys love MOTU, keep pluggin’ at it. Just let those chumps know any chance you get that they still haven’t made the customers happy. And at ANY junction you end up with a hole in your collection because of an impossible to attain figure, drop the friggin line fast.
I maybe upset that I didn’t get Evil Lyn, but I still can’t call MOTUC a hassle. It’s frustrating to be sure, but it’s one of the easiest toy lines to collect.
I don’t want to defend the suckheads either, but the toys themselves are too good to give up on just because of some frustration.
What Mattel should do is show us that they’re somewhat aware by having the reissues of Trap Jaw, Evil Lyn, Moss Man, & Battle Cat out FAST. Basically, to have shown the forethought to slot all of them in the summer/fall after Adora went superfast. If they wanted until today to “See” if they needed to make Evil Lyn, then eff ’em.
Glad I finished collecting the line months ago.
Well, I’m still in for Faker, Trap Jaw (reissue) and Evil-Lyn’s reissue(?). Not going to bother with Battle Cat, unfortunately. I hope it will be easy the second time around. After that, MattyCollector can KISS-MY-ASS! I’m going back to using the internet strictly for porn.
This was a nice month for me since it was the first time since my sub started in January that I’ve not had to buy something else on the same day.