On the off-chance it's not obvious, we are experiencing some technical difficulties today. Tables & Galleries may come and go throughout the afternoon and evening as we work around it.
Some site formatting will be similarly affected (like this very handy blank column). It's lovely and functional!
Wish us luck...
For the record, I totally support the subscribers in not showing the figures. I don’t like it when my pictures are taken without permission either. But anytime I’ve had early looks at stuff, I’ve done this exact thing and I imagine everybody else does too. 😀
That’s funny.
It’s mean, but so true.
Anything JLU or DCUC in there this time?
Usually there is not stingy person around, but not this time apparently.
so bats showed his friends, but not the recipient of the mighty bat-hammer? talk about a doghouse move… if he wants anywhere near those purple spandex knickers, he better pony up some photos!
Ha! That’s hilarious! I never subscribed to Toyfare for this reason — because some schmo can’t resist revealing, or “sharing” the only interesting parts online somewhere. It’s only other redeeming quality is now soaked up by Robot Chicken.
LOL ^-^