Sponsor Announcement:
Ka-Razy Kings of Toys

Hey there, folks! The “calm before the storm” will only last a short time longer, as the Holiday Season draws ever closer. But before it does… our Halloween sale will continue until the end of the month, but it’s the 31st of the month when you’ll get to see some really spooky deals: For one day only, on October 31st, all non-clearance merchandise will be 31% off!!!!!

Want us to”sweeten” the deal even more? How about this: we’re so Ka-Raaaaaaaaaaaazy, our Voltron Green Lion and Pidge Contest will be continuing through October 31st! So make out like a bandit on merchandise that day and enter for a chance to win!

But wait, there’s more!

As we’ve already announced, our distribution center will be moving to a new location soon; well, it will in fact be moving in early November, but as previously stated, due to the potential upcoming delays in processing orders, should your order be delayed in shipment by at least 3 days (following the initial date of purchase), we will send you a one-time use promotional coupon good on a future purchase!

Now, before we get too far ahead of ourselves with all that excitement, we still have the excitement of the incoming stock!

Representing Masters of the Universe Classics, core member of the Great Rebellion on Etheria and mistress of ice, Frosta, and new recruit to the Horde threat their world faces, 30th Anniversary Series Cy-Chop created by Terry Higuchi! Also in representation, the General of King Hsss's ancient snake army threatening Eternia, Rattlor! Finally, the ultimate equipment upgrade to represent those trying and difficult battles in Eternia's wars before the rise of the great hero, The Great Unrest Weapons Pack, featuring Horde Prime's staff, and Keldor's dual swords!

Representing DC Universe Classics, Batman's legendary herbivorous, fan-demanded foe Poison Ivy, as well as Doom Patrol patron Elastigirl!

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter, and get a coupon for 10% off an upcoming purchase!

And we have some really exciting stuff on the horizon for the holiday season, so stay tuned.

Stop by today!

“No doubt we’re the Kings of Toys, but come find out why we’re so Ka-Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!!!!”
