Ask Matty January 17th
Link Roundup

Ask Matty – December 15th Edition

We here IAT missed the January 1st deadline for this round of questions (and the deadline for the next round too, oops…), but we still wanted to provide the links to the sites that did get their questions in on time…

Ask Mattel Around the Web: Red Links Are Active


14 thoughts on “Ask Matty January 17th
Link Roundup

  1. Love the answer on Pendragons post:

    4) It’s been pointed out several time about the lack of muscle tone in the female figures. Time & time again you’ve stated that this issue is being looked into. It’s been 5 years now with the same sub-par female body. You are able to keep the muscle definition on female MOTU figures. When will this be fixed already?

    This is always something we are looking into but nothing to confirm right now!

    Zing!!!! The hits and lack of answers keep coming…

    1. [constant bitching about JLU J-legs]
      “It’s something we’re looking into!”

      yeah, keep looking, idjits.

  2. I’m surprised no one has asked why the Nekron Build-a-figure doesn’t come with his Scythe… heh, or It could be Matty ignoring the question and acting like nothing is wrong haha

    1. i suspect, though i have no info to back this up, that most folks are beyond caring at this point about nekron. i think the general disgust and distrust w/ the company has overwhelmed any sense of awe or interest in the figure itself.

    1. This was a design choice made by the Four Horsemen. They’re looking into it, but have nothing to report at this time.

      1. you know, they keep laying a lot of blame at the $h for matters that aren’t theirs to control. Do you think those guys ever see red and question their contract with Mattel because of this? We know enough about the production process we can tell when they’re lying and call them on it. There are many times I really feel bad for the guys getting blamed for some stupid ass suit changing shit up on them after it’s out of their hands.

  3. So, is it odd that so many of the ‘usual suspects’ linked above haven’t gotten answers this round?

    Could it be that so many are so incensed at the same things Toy Guru and/or Mattel just didn’t want to deal with it? No answer means there’s no problem?

    I think that would be a valid question next round. If there IS a next round.

  4. The only thing mattys good at with the dc line is : making excuses. They keep saying items don’t sell fast enough, but the items sell out? I’ve never heard a company judging sales by how many minutes it takes to clear out inventory on one online site, that is just as frustrating to shop on as dealing with the Q&A sessions!
    If the items weren’t selling, I don’t think they wouldve extended their contract.

  5. Please ask them for the next set of questions, where and how we will get the scythe for Nekron…

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