Tag: Takara
Transformers Prime AM-32
Vault Review: Transformers
Prime Frenzy & Rumble
Transformers Masterpiece MP-13
Soundwave Review (36 Pics!)
When I get into conversations with fellow collectors and regular readers, they’re often surprised to find about some of the “other” lines I collect. See, the truth is, I’ve been holding out on you guys. Some toys I collect never seem to find their way onto the site. Masterpiece Transformers is one of those lines.
Vault Review: Transformers Prime
Entertainment Pack Starscream
Vault Review: Transformers
Prime’s AM Thundercracker
Vault Review: Transformers
Prime AM-19 Gaia Unicron
This week, I’m looking at the Transformers Prime Gaia Unicron. This is the first Prime import that I pre-ordered before the press images were even released. I’ve been pretty happy with Takara’s exclusive figures so far, so I thought I’d take a chance on this guy. If only I knew then what I knew now...