Sponsor Announcement:
Ka-Razy Kings of Toys

Hey there, folks! We hope you enjoyed that delicious turkey feast! Now that you got to dig in on Turkey Day, we have some stock updates we think you’ll really dig! Now in stock… Representing the world of Masters of the Universe Classics, the ice queen of Etheria’s Great Rebellion Frosta, King Hssss‘s renowned general Rattlor, Man-At-Arms’ mentor Dekker, "Eternos Palace" King Randor in his royal Filmation garb, the Great Unrest Weapons Pack featuring Horde Prime‘s staff, and Keldor’s dual swords, and the 30th Anniversary Collection Horde member Cy-Chop created by Terry Higuchi, and Castle Grayskullman created by Daniel Benedict!

Representing DC Universe Classics “Signature Series”, Batman’s herbivorous foe Poison Ivy, Doom Patrol patron Elasti-Girl, demon hunter John Constantine, and Freedom Fighter Uncle Sam with Doll Man!

And just recently arrived, which should be up soon enough: The Walking Dead “TV” Series 2, including the Well Zombie, Shane Walsh, and Deputy Rick Grimes!

Keep checking back in for new additional stock updates very soon!

As a reminder, our “Turkeys, Reindeers and Dreidels” sale continues until December 31st 2012!

Get $5 off all orders of $25-$49.99
Get $10 off all orders of $50-$74.99!
Get $15 off all orders of $75-$99.99!
Get $20 off, plus Free USPS Parcel Post/UPS Ground shipping on orders of $100+!!!

All orders $50-$99.99 will receive a special coupon with their order for $10 off an upcoming purchase!

All orders $100+ will receive a special coupon with their order for $20 off an upcoming purchase!

So if you want all the best possible deals this season, come on over to us!

Remember to sign up for our newsletter, and get 10% off an upcoming purchase!

“No doubt we’re the Kings of Toys, but come find out why we’re so Ka-Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!!!!”
