Ask Matty
August 15th Edition

Ask Matty – August 15th Edition

DCClassics.Com:Five figures were shown to build Nekron (Green Arrow, Red Arrow, Hawk, Dove, & Reverse Flash), but two more were announced – Sinestro Corp Sinestro & White Lantern Barry Allen. Will all seven be needed to build Nekron?

Yes, they will be needed to build Nekron.

MOTUClassics.Com: Will Battleground Evil Lyn’s new “powered up” staff head be just a deco change or a newly sculpted piece?

It is a new deco on the existing piece.

ItsAllTrue.Net: In the SDCC Coverage, collectors were never shown a good image of the 22” Firehouse display that can be made out of the Janine & SamHain Retro-Action packaging. How will it unfold from the package? Does it utilize the outer box or is an entirely separate piece?

We actually did show an image in our Mattypalloza panel. The slides will be posted soon.

Editor’s Note: Be careful wording your Matty questions, kids! The slides were posted last week, the thumbnail at left is still currently the “best” image we have of it so far.

MOTUClassics.Com: While it’s too late for Thunder Punch He-Man, a-list variants could benefit from alternate expressions via new heads. As an example, has Mattel looked into sculpting an angry/screaming He-Man head for future variants?

Yes, this is something we have and continue to do where and when design and the Horsemen feel appropriate!

DCClassics.Com:Nekron appeared as a normal 2up in the SDCC cases instead of being a 1:1 sculpt like previous C&Cs. Since Mattel is deciding his height instead of the Four Horsemen, what’s your target height for him?

He will be about 9 inches tall.

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12 thoughts on “Ask Matty
August 15th Edition

  1. I don’t remember how tall Nekron is supposed to be, but I do get what you’re saying about how the C&Cs all just seem to be hitting the upper limit lately. My C&C display doesn’t have much height variance.

  2. I don’t get it. Nekron will be broken up into seven pieces? Maybe his staff as I’ve never seen how that thing is going to fit into the existing package.

      1. The current case assortments don’t have shortpacked figures.

        The model Matty is switching to for DCnU will have tons of them though.

        1. So THEY say. 🙂

          No, I think I read that and you’re right, no intentional shortpacks.

          Doesn’t mean a figure won’t end up being grabbed because of real or imagined rarity or collectible thought and thus de-facto short, right? 🙂

          rargh arhg.

      2. Trigon’s staff and cowl/cape were packed with one figure in that wave. but watch WL-Barry be the crotch/head pieces, making him necessary. ugh.

        1. I don’t understand the thinking that the head/crotch guy is more necessary than the others. (I recognize that may not be what you’re saying, but I hear it a lot.) Is the figure any more complete with only a left arm?

          1. I think the crotch piece ends up feeling more important because you can’t assemble the figure without it. If you’re missing an arm or a leg, then you can put everything together except the limb. Without the torso pieces, he’s just a jumble of parts.

  3. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised Evil Lyn didn’t get a new piece for her staff. I don’t know how some splotcy paint makes something powered up though. The SDCC Thor looks like crap and it sounds like the staff will too.

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