NoisyDvL5’s Top Ten Toys
I Didn’t Even Review in 2013!

Noisy No. 5 – NECA Quarter Scale: 1989 Batman!
I’m cheating a little on this one because I don’t actually have it and it’s delayed release could almost make it a 2014 figure if I so chose (and, hey maybe, it will show up in Top Lists next year!), but the NECA Quarter Scale Batman looks amazing in every picture I’ve seen. This is my all-time favorite Batman (it doesn’t have to be the best to be most loved) and since I can’t flippin’ get a 6” version to save my soul, thank you for nothing Mattel, why not go big with an 18 incher? I love the Hot Toys version, I do, but his rubber suit worries me now & again. With this guy, I’m getting one giant action figure from one of my favorite movies. What’s not to love?
Noisy No. 4 – Hot Toys Iron Man: Mark XXI, Midas Armor !
I bet I could put just about any Hot Toys Iron Man on the list if I had it, but I’ve been able to resist the siren call of “modern” Hot Toys figures for years (it’s the nostalgia that gets me in trouble). I easily passed on some cool Iron Men, but then they went and made this all-gold one. I’ll always love the classic colors (and War Machine more!), but for some reason color swaps just grab me sometimes (I’m looking at you White Boba Fett, or you Superman Red & Superman Blue…). Being a limited, expensive repaint, this IM lived up the hype, but I think the colors make him one of the coolest releases yet. Now can some one point me to the nanosecond suit appeared on screen?
Noisy No. 3 – NECA Predators: Jungle Disguse “Muddy” Dutch!
All you guys yesterday wondering why I picked Jungle Extraction over Jungle Disguise? Well, I hadn’t reviewed Jungle Disguise! Ha! Truth is, I still would’ve picked up Extraction as my number one, but that’s not to take anything away from Muddy Dutch here. He’s an excellent figure with paint and sculpt detailing that probably exceeds all the other versions. And that’s the great thing about NECA here – we know that they need to make multiple Dutchs… Dutches… whatever… to cost out the molds, but the beauty is they don’t skimp when a new piece is needed. Jungle Dutch has plenty of unique, wonderful, new parts and that’s what set this figure & NECA part in 2013.
Noisy No. 2 – G.I. Joe Retaliation: Tomahawk!
This one is a little nostalgia-influenced for me. When I was a kid, the original Tomahawk was one of my favorite vehicles. I know, because I still have the husk of it in my garage. Like any good, cherished, child’s toy, the paint is scratched off, the stickers peeling, parts missing, etc. I had a lot of cool Joe vehicles, but the Tomahawk will always be in my Top Five. And, after the awesome update the Skystriker received, I was stoked that Hasbro was going back to redo the Tomahawk. And they didn’t disappoint. The new one has several improvements over the original and looks great with the new Joes. I can’t seem to fit it and its massive rotors anywhere, but it was one my best pick-ups last year!
Noisy No. 1 – Hot Toys: 1989 Batmobile!
Raise your hand if you knew I collected Hot Toys? A few of you maybe knew, but I don’t talk about it much. I’m not sure why I don’t review them. They’re kind of daunting? My Go Hero Shadow’s scarf is hard to pose. ’89 Batman’s cape is too. I feel like the reviews would be a lot of work and I’d still get it wrong. Silly, I know. I have five of their figures and then this mammoth thing here: the ’89 Batmobile. One of the coolest cars of all time. I love owning this thing – but it’s so big that it has never even been completely out of the box. I need to find a good case, or at least a smart way to display it, and then I can maybe take some pics for an eventual review. It’s an amazing toy. If you can still call it that at what it cost.

So are these toys I should make a better effort to get on the site?
If you’d like to see the review, give ’em a shout out in the comments!
And let me know what other great toys I might’ve missed!


28 thoughts on “NoisyDvL5’s Top Ten Toys
I Didn’t Even Review in 2013!

  1. Shouldn’t the tomahawk by hung from the ceiling with fishing line? I mean, what are we, savages?

    That mongrel fig is just stupid awesome. I still don’t know how I feel about the bowling ball-style plastic used, and evidently we’re getting it again in mandroid, but thus far, it feels nice and solid. Monger has great range of motion too, for a bulky body type, so expecting good thing from mandroid.

    1. I should get around to hanging a few of the flying vehicles…

      Iron Monger really is a great figure! The look was spot on, but the articulation was a good surprise on a figure his size.

      1. that could be a “HANGtorial?” don’t feel too bad though, i’ve been threatening to hang the wind raider since i got the damned thing and still haven’t. the only toy thing i have hung is the cage for the eventual gothitropolis raven. that went up the week the wife snagged it for me.

  2. I have Widescope, Sandstorm, Jungle Disguise Dutch, and the new Tomahawk from your list. Agreed on all counts! The Tomahawk (which I never had as a kid) wins easily as Best Vehicle of 2013. I honestly thought the mold was lost by now and we’d never see it again, so that was a very pleasant surprise.

    I forgot to give props to a few of the Retaliation figures which truly stood out from the pack: The long awaited Kwinn, Blind Master, (someone at Hasbro is a fan of the 1976 martial arts film “Master of the Flying Guillotine”) Night Viper, (easily the hardest find of 2013 which I’m still searching for) Ultimate Cobra Commander, Ultimate Storm Shadow, and to a slightly lesser extent, Bruce Willis.

    Iron Monger sounds like a winner. I’ll be completing that sucker somewhere down the line as well.

    1. I had I thought I heard the mold was lost too. I haven’t done a side-by-side with my old shell, but there are a lot of different pieces that they could’ve started from scratch? That’s worth looking up for the review. 😉

      I never saw any of those newer Retaliation Joes (money saved I guess?), but I should look into some of those ultimates… it’s the Joes in the concept cases that I really want!

  3. Yep knowing and following majorly over rangers now I see how Kiba doesn’t fit. (If did a costume.change here instead how the ruination of Gokaiger is gonna happen) woulda been nice.

    Iron Monger is indeed awesome. First BaF I’ve finished in awhile (next to.Terrax but thats last year) and he us a thing of beauty. Poses well, menancing, and just fun.

    The Tomahawk oh how I loved it as a kid and think it still is the coolest vehicle of the joe verse (after the real Night Raven) Why are the big toys always outta wallet reach for me.

      1. Depending on things I may try and get Ryuu Ranger. Just wish they’d finish the other teams like Jetman (sawbwhole in an add during Akibaranger) the Goseigers (only did Gosei Knight (a better character than his.US counterpart)) the other GoBusters, the spirit rangers of Kyoryuger (both sexes for Violet) the rest of the Dairangers.

        Ofcourse Kamen Rider Gaim is growing on me. (I sorta see this coming state side for some.reason.)

  4. So the 1/4 scale Keaton Batman is a 2013 release? I just ordered one yesterday as they just arrived at BBTS. If so, I’ve got some upcoming lists to rework I imagine.

    1. I think it was supposed to drop Sept/Oct ’13, but appears to be just coming out now. I think it’s safe enough to include it as a ’14 release.

      1. I think you could definitely go either way. BBTS did just get there’s – I’ve just been tortured by some amazing pics of him for weeks on Instagram and Facebook, so he did manage to squeak out in 2013 to some places.

        There’s no real rules on top ten lists, right? 🙂

        1. i think it was hunter Knight who got his in right in time for xmas? He finally got around to removing the cowl last week and the head is FULLY PAINTED underneath, as if they had a last minute change of plans to glue the cowl down?

    1. Haha! I hadn’t seen that. Likely not, I’m not the biggest Frank Miller fan – it was MOTUC Batman that drew me in (still dying for that MOTUC Superman, Mattel. LOL)

    1. I have some pics of the DCUC GA Batman with the Batmobile somewhere… lol

      The real problem with the Adam West Hot Toys is the rabbit hole. The Dynamic Duo. The Car. The villains. Other vehicles. Who knows… I should just hold up on that trek…

      1. I wouldn’t worry too much about Hot Toys quickly going down the rabbit hole with the. ’66 Batman stuff. They are notorious for not finishing lines. To date, the most flushed out franchise is the Avengers and ’66 definitely doesn’t have that type of popularity. IF they do go deep on this line, it’s gonna been a long time coming. They got too much in the pipe right now like Cap 2, GotG and Amazing Spidey 2…not to mention all the other stuff that has been announced. Hell, we are coming up on two years since they revealed the ’66 Batmobile at SDCC and still no preorder

  5. So glad to see Sandstorm on this list (and above Springer as well). As much as I loved Springer, I really thought that Sandstorm took all of the little nitpicks that I had with Springer and fixed them. It’s just an amazing toy overall.

    Not sure if you have them or not (maybe that’s why they didn’t make either list), but Generations Metroplex and the Masterpiece Datsuns (Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen) are all pretty damn amazing figures.

    1. Sandstorm is awesome! And to think I almost didn’t buy him! He takes all the good from Spring and runs with it.

      Metroplex coulda been a contender, but I never have grabbed one. I JUST got that reissue Fort Max and I haven’t been in a hurry to make him not the biggest thing in the room.

      The MP Datsuns are fantastic too. All the MP releases have been really. I could just rank those as their own Top Ten! I hope to have reviews up on them soon.

  6. I unfortunately passed on the HT 1989 Bats stuff, so I’ve been really thinking I want that NECA one. Any word on a Joker to go with? That would pull me into instabuy territory. (Of course I really just want NECA to get the 7″ license to do the whole Keatonverse.)

    If I wasn’t in such picky buyer mode these days, I’d build that Monger in a heartbeat. How cool is he? Well, let’s just say I’ve been more jealous of people’s Monger pics than I have been of people’s Grayskull pics. Yi-ikes.

    As for overlooked figures, I gotta go with Clutch on the Ultimate Joes. Those were super rad. Hopefully Hasbro will keep those going forever. As long as they’re Classic looks like that I’m a buyer. I do really dig the modern stuff they did with 30th, but I felt it kept getting dragged down into crap movie terrain, so Classic looks are a safe bet at making every fig a knockout.

    Other than that I can’t think of anything. I’ve been digging the Figuarts Dragonball stuff, probably the best DBZ figures to come down the pipe, but those are pricey and very niche, and no one fig is TOTY material really.

    Looking ahead, I think 2014 should already be sewn up and called The Ravens for the win. 😀
    The Ravens and MOTUC Blade. You guys can keep everything else. 😉

    1. Other than the rubber suit on Batman, I love it all (and I don’t mind the suit, it just scares me down the road). I’m hoping that when they finally fulfill the promise to do Batman Returns they’ll do that more armored Batsuit and it will allow for a different type of material. I’d snag him, Penguin, & Catwoman for sure. (I would have to draw a line at a second Batmissile Batmobile though… lol) Speaking of though – did you know a Hot Toys Batwing would have to have a 5ft Wingspan? O.o

  7. Nice list! I’m going to make a list “Top Ten Toys I Was Too Poor To Buy” 😉

    Reviews of Hot Toys are certainly welcome, although to be honest I don’t pay too much attention to them because they’re simply not on my radar (or in my budget). Unless of course it was a property I like (Batman) but for instance, anything Marvel related I would probably ignore.

    2013 was the year that broke the belt. There’s just so much out on the market right now and much like it was back in the ’80s I had to carefully choose what lines I collect. I also made the decision to only collect what I truly love, so that way six months or a year down the line I don’t come to regret/resent a figure I purchased. I’m done with that.

    1. Haha! That’s not a bad idea for a list!

      The funny thing that Vault and I have noticed is that the higher end stuff tends to get more hits – we’re thinking possibly because more people will look than buy, whereas nearly everyone coming here has, say, all the MOTU figures? It’s interesting.

      And I definitely spent way too much this year. I’m looking forward to come down in 2014. No DC sub, a supposedly smaller MOTU sub (we all know an add-on is coming…). And while I have 3-4 HTs on my radar, I don’t think any of the smaller lines have a big purchase lined up yet (but we haven’t seen Toy Fair). I think the MP line will be the only thing increasing in cost for me next year.

    2. I was pretty bad this year, too. And I still haven’t picked up Metroplex or the G1 reissue of Predacons. Normally I’d have been all over that stuff. But a castle, masterpiece Transformers, tons of MOTUC figures … It was a crazy year. I think that’s why we won’t see a Snake Mountain this year. Matty knows we’re broke.

  8. I found the Tomahawk to be a big disappointment. Modern figures do not work very well in the cargo area — they’re too big for what was even a tight fit for smaller vintage figures. And forget trying to seat them reasonably — even with double joints at the knee, foot-pegged figures still sit awkwardly in the seats. Simply put, leaving out a back peg or seatbelt severely limits how you can play with this thing. If you fly it, your figures are falling out, and that sucks. I could almost be content with stuffing a Lift Ticket into the cockpit and calling it a day, but even there the windshield is so dark (and the bottom glass now a painted plastic) that you can’t see anyway. So it’s a nice thing to look at, I guess, just don’t plan on touching it.

    1. That is amazing! Thanks for the link!

      The Hot Toys one can not do that actually. The HT figure has three interchangeable chins to swap out expressions and the inside of the head itself has the mechanism to move around the eyes. There’s no Keaton sculpt to be had.

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