Sponsor Announcement:
Ka-Razy Kings of Toys

Hey there, folks! We hope you’ve been enjoying this incredible holiday season thus far. With only a few days left before the big day, though, we wanted to inform you of our upcoming sale! Starting December 26th, and continuing until January 15th, we’ll be featuring a special “Santa’s Vacation” sale!

During this period, we’re giving him a break, and taking care of your toy needs with all regularly priced merchandise at 19.39% off, in honor of Santa’s most legendary reindeer, Rudolph!

Oh, but that’;s not all! On top of that, free shipping will be offered on all domestic purchases of $100 or more!

It doesn’t sound like it could get any better, does it? Well, what if we told you about great deals on newly clearanced items?

What will be going on clearance, you may be wondering? You’ll just have to check in on December 26th to find out!

Finally, the main steed of Etheria’s Great Rebellion has now arrived! Masters of the Universe Classics Swift Wind is now in stock! Joining him is He-Man's elephant-headed ally Snout Spout!

Also now in stock is the newest My Little Pony, including “Glimmer Wings” Ploomette and Rarity!

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and keep up on all the latest! We’ll even send you a coupon for 10% off an upcoming purchase for signing up! We can’t wait to see ya!

“No doubt we’re the Kings of Toys, but come find out why we’re so Ka-Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!!!!”
