Vault′s Top Ten Toys
I Didn’t Even Review in 2013!

Vault No. 5 – Jurassic Park’s Allosaurus!
05 From robots to dinosaur toys!  With the rerelease of Jurassic Park to theaters, Hasbro decided to cash in a bit by trotting out the old JP line again.  But among all those old familiar repaints was a bit of new blood.  A sub-line dubbed “Dino Showdown” pitted dinosaur against human.  These two new dino figures (Allosaurus and Pachycephalosaurus) had all new molds with a good amount of articulation.  The humans are equally impressive being GI Joe repaints and coming with a bevy of accessories.  But dino figures are best reviewed outside, so maybe this spring I’ll schedule a little time for this cool two-pack.
Vault No. 4 – SH MonsterArts: Kiryu!
With a lot of high ticket items coming out this year, and an unfortunate limit to my finances (Thanks, bills…), I had to skip some figures in one of my favorite and consistently expensive lines:  SH MonsterArts.  While my plan is to eventually pick up all the kaiju, I still kick myself for having to miss a couple on release.  Mechagodzilla 3, AKA Kiryu, is definitely one of those figures.  Robot duplicates of the main monster always have a certain amount of coolness to them, but Kiryu is the first to look just as ferocious intimidating as the Big G himself.  Throw in some amazing articulation and this figure has me drooling still. 04
Vault No. 3 – SH MonsterArts: Godzilla 1964!
03 The only other figure out right now that I want more than Kiryu is Godzilla’s 1964 MonsterArts.  This Showa era good guy that took down other monsters with wrestling-like moves is the Godzilla I grew up watching on VHS.  This figure may be smaller than his modern counterparts, but he’s definitely got more loveable heart and will fit in perfectly with the other Showa kaiju from the Sci-Fi Revoltech line.  Again, I curse my budget while wondering if Bandai is up to sending out product samples…
Vault No. 2 – Transformers Masterpiece: Soundwave!
It’s only right that the next two toys are at the top of my list.  These are two of the best toys this year, and since Noisy did their reviews I knew I had to throw them onto this list.  I was lucky enough to snag a Masterpiece Soundwave at my local TRU this year.  Not only is he an amazing figure, but he’s also my favorite Transformers character.  So picking him up was imperative and I pretty much made TRU a daily stop until he arrived.  The inclusion of his cassette army was a fantastic bonus and all these figures are currently hosting a dance party on my shelf for the rest of my figures. 02
Vault No. 1 – MOTU Classics: Castle Grayskull!
01 Castle Grayskull is definitely one of the top toys of this year.  With expenses going up, there’s not a lot of playset love in the toy aisles anymore.  A subscription line playset made for six inch figures was basically a pipe dream, but that didn’t stop us from wanting it.  If MOTU Classics ended tomorrow and we never finished the vintage roster, I’d still have to consider this line a huge success because we got the impossible.  It’s the second most expensive toy I’ve ever bought, and I still don’t have a dedicated place to display it, but I still can’t help smiling when I look over and see the cornerstone of the MOTU-verse staring back.

So are these toys I should make a better effort to get on the site?
If you’d like to see the review, give ’em a shout out in the comments!
And let me know what other great toys I might’ve missed!


13 thoughts on “Vault′s Top Ten Toys
I Didn’t Even Review in 2013!

  1. Nice list. Some of the omissions I don’t get, like the monster arts figs, but others, like aegis’ tiny counterpart, I totally get. I’m glad that we got the reviews from you we did this year, but I can’t help but think some of these figs got the shaft more for scheduling dilemmas than budget issues. Like mr allosaurus, ok, Dino’s are cool outside, but that’s an excuse, not a reason, to skip that review.

    Just saying homes, the list might be shorter if you were more on-the-ball with regularity. Your reviews are good, we just need more of them. 🙂

    1. I totally agree that Mr. Allosaurus did get the shaft this year. He’s the one figure that I put off/forgot about until it was too late to do some proper pics. The plan is to make up for that this spring.

      2013 was a rough year for me. I don’t want to get into my personal issues, and I’m not trying to make excuses, but some days getting a review done just isn’t possible. Luckily I’m just the backup, while Noisy is the main draw. But I think things are changing for the better, and my goal for 2014 is to at least get back to the output I was doing a couple of years ago. There’s still a lot of obscure toys out there I’d still like to showcase, and hopefully you’ll be seeing more of them this year.

      Thanks for the compliment too. 😀

      1. you’re welcome! vault, you’ve always taken public commentary to heart, and you buy cool toys, the most real of requisites to get into this gig. the only thing i think you’re still missing is just output. stay motivated, have a good time with your toys, and keep the content running. we’ll keep reading. noisy dropped the ball a few times this past year too, with days spend with no new content. any such lapse should be viewed as “Vault Time,” in the coming year, cool?

  2. Great list, but it seems a little confused. I could make a HUGE list of toys I had to pass on vs. stuff I’ve bought, ya know? (Attack on Titan Figmas, I’m talking about YOU) 🙂

    What I would like to see sometime? TAG TEAM REVIEWS!!

    Noisy and Vault post reviews on the same toy, with their own pictures. It might be both in one article, it might be two separate articles. One toy. Two Views.


    1. Yeah, I definitely know what you mean. It took forever to narrow it down to just ten.

      Tag team reviews sounds interesting. Noisy and I will have to talk about that I think.

  3. Agree on Dinos and I haven’t seen those. Probably cause no nearby Toys R Us (build one in Grove City please!) cause know woulda bought some things in there. Zyuranger US Figuarts easy buy and Kibaranger (I keep saying the names like in Gokaiger anymore)

    The Monsterarts oh how wish had the budget for these. There were an awesome site to behold back in 2012. Kiryu looked sweet and enjoy both his films. 64 Godzila was my first intro to the films too. Don’t ask on what film.

    How quick would get a Monserart(or would be UltraArt) Jet Jaguar if he gets made (he is featured big time in Godzilla:Rulers of Earth right now (kicked Orga’s arse)

      1. Final Wars was a fun movie! Kind of like an updated Showa film with cooler effects and fights.

        1. “Go right into it!”

          Couple of things bug me about Final Wars. It really feels like maybe 15-20 minutes are missing from it, and I really disliked the music. As epic as it was it really needed the ‘classic’ style of Godzilla score.

          As much as I wanted more and more monster fights, I kind of really liked how basically Godzilla was all “Look, I don’t have TIME for this crap, so DIE” with EVERYTHING. 🙂

    1. Jet Jaguar is my favorite!

      I cannot wait until they get to him. I’m also hoping they make the Firefighter and Medic versions from Godzilla Island. Heck, I’d even buy the silver repaint.

  4. Great stuff.

    For the record, though, the other dinosaur in the new JP sub-line was a PachyRHINOsaurus, not a PachyCEPHALOsaurus. I’m a scientist. I get picky about that sort of thing. };D

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